Thursday, March 15, 2012

America is at a Crossroads: Video Reveals Dangers To US From Obama Presidency


Ron Russell said...

That was an amazing and powerful video Teresa. And so very true--4 more years of Barack would absolutely destroy the America we know and love.

Lynn Benoit said...

Powerful indeed. Ronald Reagan at the end was particulary poignant, leaving this American with a catch in her throat.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Great video find. HEY, it's looking shinny new around here. It looks good and sleek. Let me know if you'd like a banner.

Bunkerville said...

Good one-- looking good over here!

Teresa said...

Thanks Odie and Bunkerville. A change in appearance was due.

Thanks so much for the offer Odie. That sounds great! I have an idea and will email you with some thoughts on it soon.