Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jeff Miron on How To Fix Our Health Care System

H/T Greg Mankiw 


WomanHonorThyself said...

this issue is infuriating..all the illegals getting FREE care and now they want us to wait in lines for yrs before we get ours Teres!!

Matt said...

Thanks for posting that Teresa.

The Born Again American said...


This country is on a runaway train... Would someone please put on the brakes...

Anonymous said...

Great video. We will never come close to getting our spending under control if we do not cut our health care costs.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I'm convinced, but then I'm not the one he has to convince.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Jeff Miron might be right concerning Medicare, but what bothers me is that Medicare as is, covers very little and people like me still have to pay a lot out-of-pocket for what Medicare doesn't cover, even with the drug coverage I still pay a lot out-of-pocket for prescriptions, and I paid into Medicare for years.

But those on Medicare, including illegals, get complete medical, dental, glasses and prescription coverage, and they either don't have to pay any thing or very damn little. So us tax payers not only have to pay into our Medicare, but we also have to pay into others Medicaid through our taxes.