The National Journal gives us a glimpse into Sen. Coburn's book, what he says about Congress, the state of our country, health care, and both the debt and deficit crisis in America.
“Congress today is a stagnant pond that needs to be drained and refilled with a steady stream of new public servants,” he writes, according to excerpts provided to ABC News. “I’m a fan of the Jack Welch principle in reverse for Congress … fire 90 percent of members every election and only keep the 10 percent who were productive.”
“Most politicians were content to sit in their partisan bunkers and cling to the illusion that they were holding a line, when the reality was, there were no more lines left to hold,” Coburn writes. “Both parties had betrayed their core beliefs and positions. We were under siege and surrounded on all sides, not by a foreign army but by foreign creditors.”
My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Obama's failed public equity record - green energy investments have cost taxpayers billions of dollars
In Marc Thiessen's article Forget Bain - Obama's public-equity record is the real scandal he shows us how badly the Obama administration's investment with taxpayer money - our money - has turned out. Many of the companies that Obama has used our money to invest in have turned out to be utter disasters, companies that have ended up in bankruptcies, layoffs, and criminal investigations. Obama has shown us how corporate cronyism doesn't work. That's a failed record for ya - Obama's failed record.
While Mitt Romney was working at Bain the company had an 80% success rate. It was their job to deliberately take on tough jobs, to try and turn around failing companies on the brink of bankruptcy. This involved company and investors' funds, unlike how Obama has used taxpayer money to fund his pet projects, which we didn't have a choice to donate to but was compulsory. And people wonder why us hard working folk complain about high taxes. When our money is wasted without a second thought then heck yeah we will complain and hold our public officials accountable. Our money should not be invested in some progressive ideological experiment .
Mitt Romney can be proud of his successful record at Bain.
Marc Thiessen points out some examples of Obama's public equity failures:
● Raser Technologies. In 2010, the Obama administration gave Raser a $33 million taxpayer-funded grant to build a power plant in Beaver Creek, Utah. According to the Wall Street Journal, after burning through our tax dollars, the company filed for bankruptcy protection in 2012. The plant now has fewer than 10 employees, and Raser owes $1.5 million in back taxes.● ECOtality. The Obama administration gave ECOtality $126.2 million in taxpayer money in 2009 for, among other things, the installation of 14,000 electric car chargers in five states. Obama even hosted the company’s president, Don Karner, in the first lady’s box during the 2010 State of the Union address as an example of a stimulus success story. According to ECOtality’s own SEC filings, the company has since incurred more than $45 million in losses and has told the federal government, “We may not achieve or sustain profitability on a quarterly or annual basis in the future.”
Worse, according to CBS News the company is “under investigation for insider trading,” and Karner has been subpoenaed “for any and all documentation surrounding the public announcement of the first Department of Energy grant to the company.”
● Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP). The Obama administration gave NGP a $98.5 million taxpayer loan guarantee in 2010.The New York Times reported last October that the company is in “financial turmoil” and that “[a]fter a series of technical missteps that are draining Nevada Geothermal’s cash reserves, its own auditor concluded in a filing released last week that there was ‘significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.’ ”
● First Solar. The Obama administration provided First Solar with more than $3 billion in loan guarantees for power plants in Arizona and California. According to aBloomberg Businessweek report last week, the company “fell to a record low in Nasdaq Stock Market trading May 4 after reporting $401 million in restructuring costs tied to firing 30 percent of its workforce.”
● Abound Solar, Inc. The Obama administration gave Abound Solar a $400 million loan guarantee to build photovoltaic panel factories. According to Forbes, in February the company halted production and laid off 180 employees.
● Beacon Power. The Obama administration gave Beacon — a green-energy storage company — a $43 million loan guarantee. According to CBS News, at the time of the loan, “Standard and Poor’s had confidentially given the project a dismal outlook of ‘CCC-plus.’ ” In the fall of 2011, Beacon received a delisting notice from Nasdaq and filed for bankruptcy.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. A company called SunPower got a $1.2 billion loanguarantee from the Obama administration, and as of January, the company owed more than it was worth. Brightsource got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee and posted a string of net losses totaling $177 million. And, of course, let’s not forget Solyndra — the solar panel manufacturer that received $535 million in taxpayer-funded loan guarantees and went bankrupt, leaving taxpayers on the hook.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day 2012 - God Bless our heroes
I wish all of my blogging friends a happy, fun, and safe Memorial Day. Today is a special day for us to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedom as well as those who have served and are serving overseas today. May God bless them and keep them safe.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Who is #BrettKimberlin? Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day
Pic H/T blogsense-by-barb
Because of Brett Kimberlin having attacked conservative bloggers such as Andrew Breibart, Patterico, Liberty Chick, Aaron Worthing, and most recently Stacy McCain and his wife as well as others Lee Stranahan has named today May 25 Everybody Blog about Brett Kimberlin Day.
Bob from Camp of the Saints has the scoop on Stacy McCain's wife being harassed - family fears for safety. Stacy McCain and his wife have been forced to leave their residence for fear of what this loose cannon may do. One can never be too careful in these situations. My God keep them safe. My thoughts and prayers are with their family.
Linda from NoOneOfAnyImport has written an outstanding post which she has so graciously and is so kind to let me repost. After doing some research Linda from NoOneOfAnyImport found out:
So I started with a Google list of Kimberlin court cases, which Bryan Preston provided via Lee Stranahan. Then I did a Google search of my own, eliminating the last month in order to find older information on Mr. Kimberlin.
Uh, this situation is beyond convoluted. Only one fact seems clear: Brett Kimberlin is a Very Bad Actor. This fact shines through the morass of mysterious internet “cloak-and-dagger,”“cat-and-mouse,” or “troll-and-billy-goat-gruff” activity that occurred before Patterico was ever involved.
Apparently, a connection may exist between Brett Kimberlin and the ”swatting” of Mike Stack(one of the first folks to retweet the WeinerGate photo). Also, Kimberlin may be tied to the website “Raw Story.”
Forgive my flippancy; this is serious stuff. I’m only making light of my own confusion. The way this guy likes to destroy lives is no laughing matter.
The details of how he came to be entangled with Patrick Frey (Patterico), Aaron Walker (Worthing), Mandy Nagy (Liberty Chick) and a dude named Socrates, well they are making my eyes swim. And I haven’t even gotten to Walker’s megapost yet!
So I’m going to defer to these people at these links, if you would like to see a bigger picture. I will stick to enumerating why I call Brett Kimberlin a Very Bad Actor. Then I’ll sit back and see if he tries to sue me or some such.
1. Bombing
2. Lying
3. Serial suing
4. Threatening
5. Making a living off progressive donations for bad music composition. Or maybe I should thank him for that.
Finally, here’s some highlights from Brett Kimberlin’s legal career, as delineated in the Google scholar link above.
- A 1985 challenge to the withholding of records by the Department of the Treasury and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Mr. Kimberlin wanted information that included a list of telephone numbers. The appellate court concluded that info would constitute “an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” The court explained, “The record fails to reflect any benefit which would accrue to the public from disclosure of this document and Kimberlin’s self-serving assertions of government wrongdoing and coverup do not rise to the level of justifying disclosure.”
- A 1986 appeal of the dismissal of his Privacy Act violation claim. Apparently, it was not okay for his prison case manager (Leddy) to tell his probation officer (Gahl) that Kimberlin was sending money outside the prison from his commissary account. Okey-dokey. The dismissal of the case was affirmed, and the court noted, “Kimberlin’s claim to a property interest is totally lacking in merit.”
- In 1993, Kimberlin appealed the district court’s dismissal of his second petition . . . alleging that “respondent, United States Parole Commission . . . violated his due process rights by vindictively redetermining his parole release date . . . .” In particular, the court found that “As for Kimberlin’s allegations about Vice President Quayle supposedly creating an appearance of political vindictiveness in the Commission’s decisions, the district court correctly concluded that Kimberlin, not the Commission, created this appearance. He has neither proven nor alleged that the Commission’s decisions were actually influenced in any way by his statements about the Vice President — indeed, Kimberlin’s counsel did not mention Quayle during oral argument. In the absence of proof or an allegation of actual vindictiveness, no lawful basis exists to set aside the Commission’s sentence . . . .” (emphasis mine)
- Also in 1993, Kimberlin alleged that “Quinlan and Miller, in their individual capacities, conspired to violate and in fact violated Kimberlin’s rights under the first and fifth amendments to the United States Constitution by denying him, respectively, access to the press and due process of law . . . .” The court noted in this case, “In sum, Kimberlin relies only on inference and weak circumstantial evidence, notably the timing of events, to support his claim of unconstitutional detention by Quinlan and Miller; he has produced no direct evidence of unconstitutional motive for any of his detentions as required . . . .”
- In Kimberlin v. Dewalt, 12 F. Supp. 2d 487 (1998), Kimberlin challenged the revocation of his parole. The court denied Kimberlin’s challenge, stating that “Clearly a ‘rational basis’ exists for requiring petitioner to pay a civil debt to his crime victim. Petitioner has a lengthy criminal history. Despite his high earnings, he failed to show any good faith by paying his crime victim. To permit petitioner to profit from his crimes (by receiving royalties from book sales) without also requiring compensation to his victim would clearly promote public disrespect for the law . . . .”
- Finally, in 2003, Kimberlin challenged the prohibition of federal inmates from possessing electric or electronic musical instruments (other than for religious purposes). The district court’s decision to dismiss the case was affirmed.
Well there you go. That’s Brett Kimberlin, best I can tell.
Oh, and by the way. I’ve learned something new about Stacy McCain: he’s a white supremacist! So sayeth some chick named Wendy Gittleson, because the Southern Poverty Law Center says so!
Amazing, how the smear machine just keeps plugging along . . . .
UPDATE: That Innocuous Girl has featured a few of Brett Kimberlin’s Best Musical Hits, do go check it out. I especially love this review she found:
“Indeed, Kimberlin is such a talented songwriter, both musically and lyrically, that he can pull off what so many other well-intentioned performers are unable to. His songs are creative, intelligent, witty, and poignant, while retaining the musical qualities that make great rock songs – energy, melody and power. Moreover, he has a Motzartian ability to write entire songs on the spot –”a gift from God,” he says . . . .”
Motzartian, snort.
UPDATE 3: The additional info that Patrick Frey has released is spine-chilling. Look at his analysis of the SWATter’s voice:
That voice sure sounds like Ron Brynaert’s. I’ve got @ronbryn’s Twitter feed in another tab right now, and denial tweets are coming in fast and furious, even though his threatening tweets to @Patterico are right on the Blaze article.
Big Hat Tip to Linda from NoOneOfAnyImport
From blogsense-by-barb:
Michelle Malkin has added some important information on how we can donate some money to assist our conservative patriot bloggers in their time of need,as well as interviews:
Update II: Ali Akbar of the National Bloggers Club has stepped up to the plate and set up a donation page to help support the bloggers targeted by Kimberlin. Please help here if you can. If you prefer PayPal, click here.
Update III: Glenn Beck interviewed Patterico and Aaron Worthing this morning. Compelling segments left me in tears. The Blaze spotlights Kimberlin and his terror campaign against bloggers today in an important piece here, with the audio of Patterico’s swatting spotlighted.
Over the past eight years that I’ve been blogging and operating Internet media companies, I’ve witnessed or experienced firsthand some of the most unhinged behavior against conservatives — from individual harassmentand intimidation, to e-mail bombs and e-mail hackings, to troll infestations, distributed denial of service attacks, coordinated spam block attacks, and death threats.
Over the past twenty years that I’ve worked in daily opinion journalism, written books, and traveled across the country speaking in every type of venue, I’ve always believed that the most effective response to attempted censorship of conservatives is more speech, not less.
More. Louder. Bolder.
For conservatives online, it is also a time-tested truism that there is great strength in numbers. When bloggers, activists, video content creators, and Twitter users on the Right unite behind common principles — fighting jihadi propaganda, exposing corruption, calling out media bias, following the progressive money trail, holding the Republican Party’s feet to the fire, etc. — we can accomplish uncommon things.
Over the past year, Aaron Walker (who blogged as “Aaron Worthing”), Patterico, Liberty Chick, and now Stacy McCain have been targeted by convicted Speedway bomber Brett Kimberlin because they dared to mention his criminal past or assisted others who did. The late Andrew Breitbart warned about Kimberlin and company.
I have spoken directly with both Patterico and Aaron about their ongoing battles.
The mainstream press, not just the conservative blogosphere, needs to hear and report their stories.
This is a convoluted, ongoing nightmare that combines abuse of the court system, workplace intimidation, serial invasions of privacy, perjury, and harassment of family members. McCain was forced to move with his family out of his house this week, and has just gotten a small taste of what Aaron and Patterico have been enduring over the past year. Aaron and his wife were fired from their jobs after their employer feared the office would be targeted next. Convicted bomber Kimberlin has filed bogus “peace orders” against Aaron, when it is the Walkers who are the victims, not the perpetrators.
And Patterico’s plight will send chills up your spine when he is ready to tell it.
Institutional inertia, incompetence, and apathy among law enforcement officials on both coasts have exacerbated the victims’ suffering. It has moved far beyond a partisan or political story to a bottomless, Kafka-esque morass. And, via investigative journalist Matthew Vadum, it certainly doesn’t help that “progressive,” left-wing foundations that have funded Kimberlin continue to look the other way.
Ted Frank at Point of Law summed it up: “A scary tale of what can go wrong if one makes the wrong enemy of someone willing to persistently abuse the civil and criminal legal system, and how poorly the legal system protects those victims.” More here
Orrin Hatch one of our "favorite" RINO's even weighed in on Brett Kimberlin.
I will be adding more links I just wanted to get this up before the clock tolled the midnight hour.
Here is a list of bloggers who participated in the blogburst:
Bob @ Camp of the Saints informs us that Donald at American Power has received a death threat. Geesh these Lefties really are coming unhinged. Reality is smacking them right in the face and they can't handle it.
Michelle Malkin has a comprehensive list of blogger participants:
Instapundit Glenn Reynolds
The American Thinker
Walter Olson at Overlawyered
Blazing Cat Fur
Donald Douglas at American Power
The American Catholic
The Lonely Conservative
Kathy Shaidle at Five Feet of Fury
Nice Deb
Sundries Shack
PJMedia Tatler
Dan Riehl and here
Film Ladd
The Coalition of the Swilling
Richard Fernandez
Legal Insurrection
Daley Gator
The Camp of the Saints
Wake Up America
Darth Chipmunk
Zilla of the Resistance
Lady Liberty 1885
Goldfish and Clowns
Small Dead Animals
Yid with Lid
Evil Blogger Lady
Israel Matzav
Lisa Graas
Bob Owens asks a central question: Why are Maryland Democrats letting the “Speedway Bomber” get away with terrorism?
The American Thinker
Walter Olson at Overlawyered
Blazing Cat Fur
Donald Douglas at American Power
The American Catholic
The Lonely Conservative
Kathy Shaidle at Five Feet of Fury
Nice Deb
Sundries Shack
PJMedia Tatler
Dan Riehl and here
Film Ladd
The Coalition of the Swilling
Richard Fernandez
Legal Insurrection
Daley Gator
The Camp of the Saints
Wake Up America
Darth Chipmunk
Zilla of the Resistance
Lady Liberty 1885
Goldfish and Clowns
Small Dead Animals
Yid with Lid
Evil Blogger Lady
Israel Matzav
Lisa Graas
Bob Owens asks a central question: Why are Maryland Democrats letting the “Speedway Bomber” get away with terrorism?
Every voice counts.
Friday midnight blogburst list update:
Erick Erickson, Red StateMaggie’s Farm
Noisy Room
Andrea Shea King
Trevor Loudon
Melissa Clouthier
Kim Priestap
Pirate’s Cove
Other Half of My Brain
POH Diaries
Wicca Pundit
An Ex Con’s View: Apathy or Courage?
Noisy Room
Andrea Shea King
Trevor Loudon
Melissa Clouthier
Kim Priestap
Pirate’s Cove
Other Half of My Brain
POH Diaries
Wicca Pundit
An Ex Con’s View: Apathy or Courage?
And more blogburst roll call:
Liberal Terrorist Pal
Clayton Cramer
The Right Planet
Daria DiGiovanni
Backyard Conservative
‘Cause I Said So
Northshore Journal
Roderic Deane
Full Frontal Nerdery
Andrea Shea King
Something Fishie
Markham Pyle, UK Telegraph blogs
Doctor Zero: “Oppression fails when we stand together as one.”
Midwest Conservative Journal
Right Wing Professor
The Free Speech Blog
Mark of a Freeman
Beat Canvas
Dedicated Tenther
Wintery Night
The Right Scoop
Marathon Pundit
American Freedom by Barbara
Pull My Chain
Morgan’s Two Cents
McCrarey in Seoul, Korea
Rick Bulow
Greg Allmain
Write Side of My Brain
Liberty’s Last Shadow
Conservative Hideout
Belle of Liberty
Me and My Soldier Man
Jawa Report and here and here
Red Alert Politics
An NC Gun Blog
Chasing Jefferson
The Right Rant
Pundit Pete
Everything is Backwards
Capitol Commentary
Patriot Post
Adrienne’s Corner
Mad Bob
Brad Essex
Right Wing News
The Political Commentator
Simple Justice
Ezra Levant discusses Kimberlin with Matthew Vadum
Dustin – In honor of Carl DeLong
Libertas Per Adamas
Just Barking Mad
LD Jackson
Cold Hearted Patriot
Gateway Pundit
Joe Newby
Kendall Lang
Eric Hines
Ameryx le Gallois looks at the JTMP’s 990 forms.
The Blogmocracy
Phase Line “Birnam Wood”
Erik Soderstrom
Little Miss Attila: here here and here
World’s Only Rational Man
Misha at Nice Doggie
Bearroom Brawl
Crockett Lives
The Conservative Treehouse
Chicks on the Right
B17 boy
Bl Rag
American Glob
Valley of the Shadow
Draw and Strike
Clayton Cramer
The Right Planet
Daria DiGiovanni
Backyard Conservative
‘Cause I Said So
Northshore Journal
Roderic Deane
Full Frontal Nerdery
Andrea Shea King
Something Fishie
Markham Pyle, UK Telegraph blogs
Doctor Zero: “Oppression fails when we stand together as one.”
Midwest Conservative Journal
Right Wing Professor
The Free Speech Blog
Mark of a Freeman
Beat Canvas
Dedicated Tenther
Wintery Night
The Right Scoop
Marathon Pundit
American Freedom by Barbara
Pull My Chain
Morgan’s Two Cents
McCrarey in Seoul, Korea
Rick Bulow
Greg Allmain
Write Side of My Brain
Liberty’s Last Shadow
Conservative Hideout
Belle of Liberty
Me and My Soldier Man
Jawa Report and here and here
Red Alert Politics
An NC Gun Blog
Chasing Jefferson
The Right Rant
Pundit Pete
Everything is Backwards
Capitol Commentary
Patriot Post
Adrienne’s Corner
Mad Bob
Brad Essex
Right Wing News
The Political Commentator
Simple Justice
Ezra Levant discusses Kimberlin with Matthew Vadum
Dustin – In honor of Carl DeLong
Libertas Per Adamas
Just Barking Mad
LD Jackson
Cold Hearted Patriot
Gateway Pundit
Joe Newby
Kendall Lang
Eric Hines
Ameryx le Gallois looks at the JTMP’s 990 forms.
The Blogmocracy
Phase Line “Birnam Wood”
Erik Soderstrom
Little Miss Attila: here here and here
World’s Only Rational Man
Misha at Nice Doggie
Bearroom Brawl
Crockett Lives
The Conservative Treehouse
Chicks on the Right
B17 boy
Bl Rag
American Glob
Valley of the Shadow
Draw and Strike
If I have missed anyone who has participated in this blogburst please do let me know and I will add your link to the post.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Vetting Pres. Obama Before an Election: Obama's America 2016
The film Obama's America 2016 is based on Dinesh D'Souza's latest NYT bestseller called The Roots of Obama's Rage.
We need to stop Obama before he downgrades America any further or before he takes the U.S. down any more notches than he already has. He is not for bettering America but is for making America equal to every other country in the world. He believes that America is imperialistic just like his father did. We need a president that believes in America's greatness, believes in a better America where all have the opportunity to prosper. Vote for Mitt Romney in November!
A big hat tip to WDTPRS
Vote Obama out because....
From Father Z:
We need to stop Obama before he downgrades America any further or before he takes the U.S. down any more notches than he already has. He is not for bettering America but is for making America equal to every other country in the world. He believes that America is imperialistic just like his father did. We need a president that believes in America's greatness, believes in a better America where all have the opportunity to prosper. Vote for Mitt Romney in November!
A big hat tip to WDTPRS
Vote Obama out because....
From Father Z:
...He is the most aggressive pro-abortion president ever.
...He lied to Cardinal Dolan.
...He is attacking the Catholic Church.
...He is promoting unnatural “marriage”.
...He is undermining our first liberties.
...He had no real credentials before 2008.
...We know almost nothing about him.
November 2012!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Penn Jilette Blasts Obama on Marijuana Chuckle While 1 in 6 are Doing Time in Prison for Smoking Weed {Language Alert!}
I am for States' rights with regard to marijuana. I am against the dumping of marijuana users in prison for persons simply having smoked weed. And, yes, I do believe that marijuana provides relief for some medical conditions.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Mom of baby Grayson Walker Facebook account banned over "offensive" pics of anencephalic son
Facebook has really showed their true colors of intolerance and hatred of all precious life by having banned Baby Grayson's mother after she posted photos of her son. This is blatant discrimination against a handicapped baby whose mother chose to remember and celebrate his life by posting pics after his passing. Baby Grayson's parents have created a Facebook page in remembrance of their precious angel from God so please go over and hit that like button. I am so tempted to cancel my Facebook account. Another idea, is will someone please create a freedom-loving alternative to Facebook? You can see some of the supportive comments that were posted on twitter via Twitchy. The family has also created a blog called Our Sweet Boy Grayson James where they journal about missing their son. Grayson was only lived for 8 hours after he was born but this beautiful video shows the parents celebrating their son's life and loving him with all their hearts. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Rebecca Romijn - Rule 5
More Rule 5
Proof Positive – Xenia Tchoumitcheva
Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Randy’s Roundtable – Thursday Nite Tart
Reaganite Republican - RED HOT Conservative Chicks - Michelle Fields
The Other McCain- Rule 5 Monday
Woodsterman - Happy Ending
American Perspective - Kate Upton "cat daddy" Dance