Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Glenn Beck Calls Obama a Racist

Obama requested the reporter ask that particular question just so that he could give an answer

Obama revealed his true colors when answering that question

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Glenn Beck voices his feelings on Barack Obama


  1. Is it just me or is Beck getting to the point where many other Americans are already at.

    It is time to use the Constitutional option on the administration. That being, once a government becomes destructive it is time to restore it to original intent.

  2. Well, I think Beck finally got the cojones to follow in Limbaugh's footsteps. I still like the fact Beck says it like it is. I think many Americans, up until Obama's stupidly comment gave him the benefit of the doubt. I think more Americans are waking up now to the fact that Obama is a racist promoting racial tension in order to gather more votes.

    I agree with you and think that the Constitutional option needs to be used on this administration.

  3. Obama is so racist he doesn't even recognize it in himself. He speaks out of habit, and must be surprised that we all don't agree with him.

  4. Opie,
    I totally agree. Obama's in his own little fantasy above the clouds. That's why I refer to him as Narcissist-in-Chief.

  5. Hey Teresa:
    That was so cool watching on today this morning....I caught the tail end of him saying this...then they kind of cut him off, and switched to Michelle Malkin, who also gave a good earful about what obummer is really about, and the wifey!

    When my internet is up to speed, I have to go on all the news channels and watch this stuff, it's golden! Beck (& MM) are my heros for today, telling it like it is! Yeah,

  6. Amusing Bunni,
    Beck's one of my heroes also. I mainly only hear Michelle Malkin when she's on Fox news channel. I try to avoid all of the LIB networks but did the Today show give Beck a fair shake?

  7. I turned on the tv from bed when I woke up, so I caught just the last 10 sec or so of what Beck said! But he did make the point that obugger was a RACIST, and he finished his thought...then they cut to the Michelle M interview. Michelle wiped the floor with that little twerp lauer, I'm sure if you look around, the nbc site will have a vid of it. At the end, Lauer had a dumbfounded look on his face! It was funny and worth being home sick for

  8. Amusing Bunni,
    Thanks for the information. I'll try the NBC site to find the video.

  9. Obama's press conferences are all set-ups.

  10. Whatever Obugger is, he's wrong for this country...forget the birth certificate and his racism...and get down to the fundamental problem of him trying to actually "remake" America in what he imagines it should be, not one little sliver of it allowable by the Constitution. I'm with Scalawag...we need to restore the Republic.

  11. And he said the COP acted "stupidly"...

    When people say things about others in anger or accusation, many times they tell you more about themselves.

  12. Nickie,
    Your right they are all setups.

    I think his racism is a contributing factor in him wanting to "remake" America and therefore plays a role also. I am definitely with you and Scalawag that we need to restore the Republic. I do think that addressing the fundamental problem of Obama trying to remake America is very important.

  13. Eman,
    I'm with you there. I believe that this was very revealing of the "true" Obama.
