Friday, July 17, 2009

Which President Can Throw a baseball Better?

Bush Throws like a Man. Obama throws like a Girl. Just Watch.


  1. This is hilarious. Bush throws with some sizzle, I have to say. Notice how the ball stays low and has some velocity on it when it reaches the catcher?

    Obama throws with a limp wrist, and the ball sails high, barely making it to the catcher. Sissy.

  2. Yes, I did. Bush threw a pretty good pitch. Pujols had to move ahead of the plate to catch Obama's pitch. Obama is a sissy.

  3. I hope liberals can handle this ... I've always thought you liberal men as quite feminine. Live it ... learn it ... you SISSIES !

  4. Woodsterman,
    I totally agree. Liberal men are sissies-can't even throw a decent pitch.

  5. That was certainly a foppish Obama throw. This country is doomed.

  6. Nickie,
    Yep, me thinks we're doomed but I really, really hope we're not at the same time. If the man can't even pitch, what kind of hope do we have left? A miracle, I guess.

  7. I knew someone would make this comparison :)

  8. Teresa, I need a favor from you. My wife has me on a diet and all I had for dinner was a bowl of her infamous chili made with garbanzo beans and meat-like soy protein.

    Just the thought of it gets my esophagus quivvering in revulsion.

    Here's what I need you to do. Drive down to The Strip, walk into Primanti Brothers and eat an Imported Sardine and Cheese sandwich for me. Then wash it down with a cold beer (or a pop).

    Nickie will greatly appreciate it. So will you.

  9. Nickie,
    Great Idea!!LOL I'd be glad to help you out. It would be great to try a Primanti Brothers sandwich, and I hope you can taste it as much as I will. How about going on the sneak, and finding some real food to eat, when your wife's out? That soy is like imitation food.
