Saturday, August 1, 2009

Anti Liberal Humor


  1. Excellent find, Teresa! And wonderful patriotic music.

  2. Apart from the fact that we've never been allowed to bear arms in Britain, this video pretty well sums up all of our current problems as well as some of our previous good times. (e.g. substitute Ronald Reagan for Margaret Thatcher and you see what I mean)

  3. Barking Spider,
    Yeah I definitely know what you mean. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were great friends and I believe stayed that way even after there terms were up. We gotta bring the good times back.

  4. Wow, Teresa! That was just fantastic, I loved all those bumper stickers, and like Opie said, Lovely Music!
    There are been really wonderful video's all around today! I'm so happy I have dsl so I can watch now.

  5. Amusing Bunni,
    I am glad I came across this video today. I love the music-Lee Greenwood is a freedom loving American. Your right, the videos today have been wonderful!!

  6. That was a fun post, Teresa.

    I get the finger from people for my "NOBAMA" bumper sticker, which pales in comparison to these.

  7. Dr.Dave,
    That just goes to show Libs have no sense of class. We, conservatives, are the classy people who know wwhat's best for this country. I think I'm going to have to invest in some bumper stickers that antagonize Libs. I love pissing off Libs just to see how NUTS they get.

  8. We, conservatives, are the classy people who know wwhat's best for this country. I think I'm going to have to invest in some bumper stickers that antagonize Libs. I love pissing off Libs just to see how NUTS they get.

    I wouldn't call that classy behavior, but then I don't consider you a classical conservative.

  9. Real nice, Kyle. And just how much class are we to impute to someone who makes such a provacative comment? Isn't that just the very thing you are criticizing Teresa for?

  10. No. I've said nothing against being provocative. Nor have I described myself as classy. There's no inconsistency in my comment, but there is in Teresa's. She claims to be among the classy people, but then says she loves "pissing off LIBS just to see how NUTS they get," which isn't exactly classy. I admit to being provocative, though, in saying that I wouldn't categorize Teresa as a conservative in the classical sense. ;)

  11. Kyle,
    You seem to enjoy poking and pissing off conservatives so your not exactly exemplifying being classy either.

    Knowing what's best for the country is not connected to bumper stickers and pissing off LIBS. Gee, whoda thunk, you as a liberal, would twist my statement to think pissing off LIBS with bumper stickers on my car would cause me or other conservatives not to be classy in our thought processes in knowing what's best for this country.

  12. Poking and pissing off people isn’t generally my aim, though I suppose I have been known to irk the occasional conservative and the occasional liberal. I wouldn’t categorize myself as either conservative or liberal, though I may lean left these days. A Facebook quiz said so! Must be true! I’m really all over the radar. Maybe I’m just confused.

    I didn’t twist anything you said, by the way, and I didn’t remark at all about whether or not you or conservatives know what is best for our country. I said you were not being classy in one particular instance. That doesn’t have any relevance upon your knowledge for what is best for our country.

  13. Kyle,
    Poking and pissing off people may not be your aim but that is what you have conveyed to me by your words.

    I NEVER said that pissing off LIBS with bumper stickers was classy. You concluded that that wasn't classy all on your own. Classy and knowing what's best for the country was in a separate sentence. Bumper stickers was in a separate sentence and not connected to the classy sentence.

  14. I NEVER said that pissing off LIBS with bumper stickers was classy. You concluded that that wasn't classy all on your own. Classy and knowing what's best for the country was in a separate sentence. Bumper stickers was in a separate sentence and not connected to the classy sentence.

    Yes. I know. My point stands.

  15. Kyle,
    Your point is illogical and doesn't follow. It assumes a hell of a lot about conservatives not being classy merely because of bumper stickers ticking off LIBS. What about LIBS giving the middle finger to NOBAMA bumper stickers? You haven't criticized that so are you ALWAYS GOING TO CRITICIZE CONSERVATIVES? My response was based on Dr.Dave getting the middle finger for his bumper sticker. I was acting as a proponent of conservatism and not saying LIBS were not classy. YOU ARE BEING JUDGMENTAL AND ASSUMING A HELL OF A LOT.

  16. Teresa,

    I didn’t say conservatives weren’t classy; I said the act of pissing off people to see how nuts they get isn’t classy. Pissing people off to see how nuts they get isn’t classy whether it’s done by conservatives or liberals. It isn’t classy if I piss someone off with intention of seeing how nuts he gets. I was remarking about one type of behavior that has really nothing to do with one’s political persuasion. After all, you can find classy people who are liberals and classy people who are conservatives.

  17. Oh fer crying out loud, Kyle, are you perchance an academic? You certainly seem to ask academic (ie, fucking meaningless) questions, typically funded by the government, I might add...and speak in tongues and circuitous (ie NON) logic.

    BTW: I don't claim to be classy. I'm exactly what conservatives need: Balls out, in your face, fuck the fuck off attitude in the face of pansy ass liberal bullshit.

    Also, BTW: Who gives a damn about class when the issues of today and tomorrow and 50 years from now depend on action, not bullshit arguments about who said what or who's classier than whom? If you haven't gathered, we're on the ledge; one small move and BLAM! It's over.

    Further, BTW: Did you learn your craft at Pitt or CMU?

    I might know quite a bit about that sort of thing, too.

  18. No. Not an academic. Nor did I learn my craft at Pitt or CMU.
