Monday, August 24, 2009

Continuing My College Journey

Hello To All My fellow internet friends:

Today, was my first day of classes at Robert Morris University in Moon Township, PA. I went to the community college in Pittsburgh last semester and decided to continue my college journey this semester. I am taking three classes this semester. I am taking Principles in Macroeconomics and have no idea how this course is going to be, but its a requirement so I must take it. I am taking The Developing World which is a history course, and after attending the first class seems like it will be quite interesting. Tomorrow I will attend my first class of Comparative Contemporary Political Systems. This sounds like it could be an interesting course as well. I will be continuing with my sociology degree or as this college calls it Social Science degree. Since I have both a burning passion for politics and just absolutely love politics I have decided that my concentration is going to be in government.

I am very much looking forward to attending Robert Morris University this semester. I hope to find a job with more hours soon, also. So, I will probably not be posting quite as often as I have been lately.


Amusing Bunni said...

I'm so proud of you, congratulations!
You are a natural for these political courses, and since you like to write and write so well, I foresee straight A's all around.
Good Luck in your new endeavors, you are so ambitious. I know everything will work out well Take care and don't worry if you can't post alot, there's always twitter...hee hee. Best wishes, Bunni

Teresa said...

Thanks so much for your very kind words of support and encouragement. I'm hoping all A's, but we'll see. Thank You so much for the compliments. Talk to you soon on either one of our blogs or twitter.

Anonymous said...

Does this make you a Moonie?

Seriously, it's so important that you embrace this valuable experience. I admit to envying you.

Teresa said...

You have me LOL. Thanks for your kind words.

Snarky Basterd said...

Good luck, Teresa. I did two semesters of grad school at Pitt, and then worked there for a couple of years.

Hopefully, Moon Twp. won't rub off on you (fat chance). I have friends from college who work at the campus; let's just say they wouldn't be visiting our blogs any time soon.

Kyle Cupp said...

All the best to you, Teresa. Enjoy your courses!

Opus #6 said...

Teresa, I am so excited for you. Any libs over there had better mind their manners around you, lol. I think the econ course will be interesting, especially now, with all of the economic issues we face.

Remember. I ran into my own Marxist Professors at UCLA, and they have NO effect on me whatsoever except to make me even more staunchly conservative. He he.

I'm glad I am on Twitter now, too. Great to have another way to keep in touch.

The Conservative Lady said...

I too wish you congratulations and the best of luck. Enjoy the classes and give us an update when you have time.

conservative generation said...

Good luck Teresa! I'm going back to school in two weeks myself. Let me know if you need any help in the economics department.

Teresa said...

Since I have been to college before and I am past my twenties I know that I have conservative values pretty much ingrained into me. That's really cool that you went to Pitt. I chose not to because the brochure was showed that the college is Marxist. Your friends are missing out on an excellent blog.

Teresa said...

Thank You.

Teresa said...

I think you are right about the econ course. That's right. Libs better mind their manners. I am firmly entrenched into conservatism so, I think that the Lib professors will just deepen my conservative values, also.

Teresa said...

Most Rev. Gregori,
Thanks for the good luck wishes and prayers. Don't worry,I don't think its possible to brainwash me now. I've been to college on and off due to certain circumstances, and hopefully with God's help I will complete my bachelor's degree.

Teresa said...

I'm glad your on twitter also. Its great to have another way to keep in touch.

Teresa said...

Conservative Lady,
Thank You. I will definitely keep you updated.

Teresa said...

Conservative Generation,
Thank You. Good Luck with all your classes. I will let you know if I need help in econ. I really appreciate your offer. Thanks.

Seda said...

With your interest in politics, I recommend We Don't Make Widgets, by Ken Miller. It's about how to make government effective, and should be "must" reading for any politician or beaurocrat. Don't worry, it's not liberal, so you won't have to worry about polluting yourself with our ideology. It's also short, so won't take up too much of your time.

Teresa said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I will add that to my reading list.

Anonymous said...

congratulations. Let us know what your professors think of your contention that the President of the United States 'likes promoting one race over the other'

Ron Russell said...

Good Luck. I was fortunate to have stong conservative professors on the undergraduate level at Univ. So. Misssissippi college also in grad school at Louisiana State. Hard to find good professors these days. I know you will maintain your conservative values.