Monday, August 31, 2009

Jon Voight Speaks Out in Support of Those Who Oppose Obamacare on Huckabee

Jon Voight speaks out on the Huckabee show on August 30, in support of all those who oppose Obama's health care bill. I just love this man!!! He's a straight talker!


  1. Refreshing. Have you noticed that the State Media has made him a non-person?

  2. For his courage, Jon Voight's career might be over. I hope not, but Hollywood does not forgive what he's done ... he spoke sensibly.

  3. There are a few conservatives in Hollyweird. It is nice to see them stand up for what they believe in.

    Great blog- I have started following today!!

  4. Nickie,
    Yes, very refreshing. Yep, pretty much anyone who stands up against Obama media considers a non-person.

  5. Woosterman,
    I hope his career isn't over either.

  6. J summit,
    Thank You for stopping by, commenting and following my blog. If I am not already, I will follow your blog also. Thanks for the compliment.

  7. I use to live in Arkansas and believe me when I say Huckabee is no real friend to conservatives---maybe he had to take a more moderate position there in order to be re-elected, nevertheless that was his stance. He is ok, but would never consider voting for him.

  8. Ron,
    I actually absolutely love Huckabee. I would have much rather had him as the GOP nominee than McCain. I think he's done more things the common sense way instead of following conservatism to a T. I honestly have no idea how he governed in Arkansas, so I can understand your feelings in regards to Huckabee being no friend to conservatives. He seems to be now.

  9. Most Rev. Gregori,
    You are always welcome to copy my videos. Thanks for giving me a link back as well. That was very powerful. God Bless!!

  10. Don't get me wrong Teresa, the Huck, is better than most, but at times he will change color to blend in with the prevailing background---whatever it may be.

  11. How wonderful to have a voice of reason from the land of the loons. Thanks for sharing, Teresa.

    (BTW: Sorry I haven't been around; I took a few days off to get my mojo back.)

  12. Dr. Dave,
    Its my pleasure. Don't worry about it. Everyone needs a break every now and then. I'm glad that your back to blogging. You are awesome, dude!!!

    BTW- If I am ever am not around for a couple days, it'll be due to all the class work I might have in the future.

  13. Voight has been on Hollywood's blacklist for sometime.

    Voight was a liberal activist in his younger days, had he been promoting conservatism, his career would have been doomed.
