Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rep. Tom Price, a Physician- Responds To Obama & Democrats Regarding Obamacare

Rep. Tom Price of Georgia admonishes the Democrat government-takeover of health care. Support a real reform for health care. (July 16, 2009)

Republican Weekly Response-Tom Price of Georgia


  1. TORT reform is first; then Medicare reform; then deregulating the health insurance industry (including ENDING mandatory employer coverage) so the consumer find the best coverage at the best price and the employer can pay employees more and invest the savings in R & D.

    Any "reform" that doesn't address these items as top priorities is simply smoke and mirrors at best, and government takeover at worst.

  2. Dr. Dave,
    I totally agree. I do believe at least GOP is heading on the right track regarding health care reform. I just started looking over the GOP health care alternative. So far, looks good.

    NO damn government run plan!!

  3. Teresa,

    Great video. I have an article yesterday that hit on the same lines as far as how the Republican's were locked out of the crafting of health care legislation.

  4. CG,
    Thanks. I will be stopping by your site an a little bit.

  5. Dr. Dave,
    Deregulation gave us Enron, AIG, and the Wall Street collapse. Going back in history, it gave us the Great Depression. I really don't think it's going to help the health insurance industry. There is nothing in what you suggest to stop rationing health care completely away from the working poor. Not that I'm suggesting the Obama/Democrat health care "reform" plan is worth spit.

    I don't care much for your politics, but you've got great taste in books!

  6. Sada prefers to keep her head in her books. That's her right. But I choose to fight for my liberty.

    Dave is correct. Tort reform is top of the list.

  7. Nickie,
    Read my link. Read what I said. I have no objection to tort reform - I don't think any solution is complete without it. I just object to deregulation, since it's been proven again and again to not work. I've heard it said that insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Books are very useful - that's the nice thing about reading them. You can learn from history and not make the same mistakes. It directs your fight for liberty, so that you don't end up with something like the end of the Bolshevik Revolution. They were fighting for liberty, too. Let's make sure our fight for liberty results in liberty.

  8. Seda,
    Deregulation does work. Corruption is the problem, not deregulation. Preventing corruption by instituting laws, and prosecuting those that violate those laws is the answer.

    Capitalism did not cause of The Great Depression. The free market system allows for both booms and busts, but with spreading the wealth or socialism, there can never be booms only equal poverty among individuals all the time. And, that kills our free enterprise system which creates jobs.

    I am for tort reform also. This govt. takeover of health care will be destined to be doomed and be in danger of going bankrupt just like medicare, medicaid, social security,and even like the Post Office.

  9. Teresa,
    "Corruption is the problem, not deregulation."

    Exactly. Deregulation is what allows corruption to take root.

    "Preventing corruption by instituting laws, and prosecuting those that violate those laws is the answer."

    Exactly. That's known as regulation.

    "Capitalism did not cause of The Great Depression."

    True. Deregulation of the banking system under Coolidge & Hoover kicked it off. Capitalism has great potential for benefiting humanity. However, it also has great potential for exploiting humanity and nature. Get a flavor for it by reading Upton Sinclair or Charles Dickens. Government's role is, as the Constitution says, to regulate commerce. Without it corruption and exploitation are inevitable.

    We don't have to choose either unfettered capitalism or radical socialism. There is a middle path where a free government, accountable to the people, does those roles in which it is most effective, fair, and efficient, and private enterprise, regulated appropriately, flourishes without corruption and exploitation. That should be our goal. It is a balance. And it cannot be achieved so long as corporations have the legal rights of human beings.

  10. Seda,
    Some regulation is good, but deregulation is not what allows for corruption. People who are corrupt will find a way to be corrupt regardless of there being deregulation, or not. Deregulation and free market capitalism is what help to create economic booms. That won't happen if there is too much regulation. And, there were laws in place this time regarding the corrupt AIG and ENRON, but some people ignored them, and didn't investigate those breaking the law properly. Maybe, the laws need to be revamped.

  11. If deregulation and "free" market capitalism create booms, they also create busts, because busts are the flip side of the same boom coin. We'd be better off at this point to seek some way to break out of the boom-bust, continuous growth cycle. "Sustainable growth" is an oxymoron; at some point you grow beyond the point where the system that sustains you is able to do so. Google "Peak Oil."

    "That won't happen if there is too much regulation."

    Quite true. The wrong regulation messes things up, too. Appropriate regulation, however, is necessary.

    "there were laws in place this time regarding the corrupt AIG and ENRON, but some people ignored them, and didn't investigate those breaking the law properly. Maybe, the laws need to be revamped."

    As far as I can see, not enforcing appropriate laws is the same as deregulation; a law that is not enforced is useless. Removing those laws is just a more permanent form of it.

    Deregulation is the abolishment of laws already in place. Regulation is the establishment of appropriate laws and enforcement over time. Over-regulation is the creation of laws that are unnecessary or redundant. We see way too much of the first and last, and not enough of the second.
