Monday, September 28, 2009

Barack Ocommie (video)

Barack Obama's communist, marxist, influences including his family, friends, and associates. His communist endorsements and political tactics.


  1. Teresa:
    Very enlightening video. Too bad the state-run media refused (and still refuses) to do their job of informing the people.
    Thanks for posting the video.

  2. Great post! But you know it is a phony and a fake. It was made by Glen Beck, Fox news and the 'vast right-wing conspiracy' nut jobs that I'm a proud member of.

  3. Obama hide his middle name while running, as well as many other things, but now that he's sitting in the oval office many of his leftest ties are coming to light. Those on the far left and yes even in the american communist party know they have a friend in the White House.

  4. Wow, Teresa. Great video. I did not know all those details about Che Guevara, and I did not know that Obama removed the flag from air force one and put on his logo. Sick.

    I will repost this on my blog with a link to you. Good find!

  5. Conservative Lady,
    What happened to "true" journalism and journalistic integrity? State-run media sure didn't do their jobs and still continue to abandon doing their jobs now.

  6. Landshark,
    I'm proud to be a member also. You know Libs don't know the meaning of reality.

  7. Ron,
    Your right. His commie friends know they have a friend in the White House. But, Thanks to Glenn Beck and others his leftist communist ties are being revealed.

  8. OPie,
    I didn't know the details about Che Guevara either. That sounds good. Pass it along.

  9. Hi, Teresa, you guys are lucky to have Fox News over there, (we get your version, too), bet it seems we may be getting our own British version of Fox News within the next year or so, and BOY, do we need it! ITN is our last remaining "balanced" news channel and all the others, especially BBC/Pravda are as lefty as they can be!
    Good video.

  10. Thanks for posting this Teresa. You always find wonderful video's too. I knew most of this stuff about obummer. That's why I couldn't figure out how anyone could POSSIBLY vote for him. Never underestimated the stupidity of liberals.

  11. You can’t tell me that any of you are surprised by the information in this video. This is very old news to me. Everything he does and represents screams communist. What’s important now is what you’ll do about it. Don’t depend on FOX or any other outlet to make this man fall. Where he’s from and what he was is not the issue any longer folks. Look at this phony who has flown overseas to promote Chicago in front of the Olympic Committee and he’s met with the High military commander in Afghanistan once since taking office. That’s over 9 months. We must keep talking about every aspect of this black “Red” man to every person we can. Elections have consequences. We need to do whatever is necessary to minimize these consequences. Our Country and those defending its interests are at stake. Think of the families with loved ones in combat who have to listen to the silence of this lamb who can’t even speak the word “victory” and Afghanistan in the same sentence. We have to make what this President and this congress does stick to these democrats. It must happen. You’ll get no help from the press or the republicans. We must clean house in 2010 and we must move now.

  12. This guy leans very far left--maybe his is a Marxist, maybe not. But I must say he certainly acts like one and thats what matters.
