My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Most Rev. Gregori, Obama is a marxist. He shows all the telling signs of being a Marxist. Bill's just not right in the head.
Teresa,It really ddoesn't surprise me that anyone in the Wimp House would admire Mao Tse-Tung. Seems like all of them are Marxists in there.Mao Tse-Tung was, after all, a communist and one of history's greatest (although I would classify him as the WORST) mass murderers, who murdered 10 times MORE people than Hitler's Holocaust.I am beginning to think that the people in the Wimp House are smoking crack these days.
United Conservatives, I agree. The people in the Wimp House are using crack.
You are discussing the "Obama" administration or as I prefer to call it, regime as I'm not convinced Obama really won the election, but now I am questioning who is calling the shots. I will post on this later as I am putting it together now, but when do you see Obama talking about the real issues? Its always Rahm (deadfish) Immanuel or David (the penguin) Axlerod. Obama has shown no capacity to even talk without teleprompter. Now If he can't even talk without a teleprompter, is he really engineering the restructuring of the country or is he really just an actor who is the TV president for the people and press?
To "Andrew33": I would advise you in the strongest possible terms to neither commit federal felonies with respect to internet hacking, nor threaten to do so. I have cached your threats to commit a federal offense. I have also cached your previous threat to "use my weapons and explosives expertise against that government" if health insurance reform is passed into law.
nyp, Stop coming to my blog!!!Stop harassing me!!!! Since you have proven that you don't have the brain capacity of even a 5 year old,go have fun playing with yourself. STOP harassing my friends and I!!!!
nyp, Here's a challenge for you: I challenge you to find the entire clip of Ron Bloom and post it on your blog. If you want to post crapola, go ahead. Do it your own blog.
MRG, O'Reilly is a nice guy of the Will Rogers school, remember Will's famous quote, "I never met a man I didn't like". I suspect this is where Bill is coming from. He is quite blind in many ways.
Teresa, I want to apologize for being such a douchebag and harassing you. I guess it just comes from my frustration at being a liberal moron with a very small penis (which is a big problem for me since I am a woman).
Teresa, hon, don't feed the trolls. May I recommend comment moderation? Works wonders at my place. The polite libs get published. The others don't. Thanks so much for defending me on my blog yesterday. I was on my way to a long appointment and pubished that comment but didn't have time to respond. You rushed in and said all the right things. It is nice to have a friend who had "got your back". I hope I can do the same for you. But some folks simply need to be locked out os the sandbox. Not mentioning any names...
Teres; In light of your generous offer, I will meet you halfway. I don't have my own blog, since I think it more interesting to add my little contribution to other people's discussions. But here is a link to Ron Bloom's entire speech. I urge you and your readers to listen to it and decide for yourself what you think about him. sure you stay for the joke at the end! If you don't want to listen to the speech, he is a link to an extremely similar talk he gave in 2006 at anothe investors' conference. (Did you ever ask yourselves what a Maoist is doing attending all these institutional investor conferences?)As you will see, it is all about the Unions' role in complex corporate bankruptcy negotiations. Bloom has done several dozen of the for the Steelworkers, and, by some estimates, has saved about 35,000 union jobs.
NYP (Not Your Polite blogger?)I believe Google has tutorials on how to start your own blog. Teresa has asked you to keep your stuff-ola over on your own site. Yet here you are leaving comment after comment and answering yourself while she is probably off cooking dinner or asleep. Have you no shame? No pride? Do understand how a conversation works? You talk then the other person talks and so on. Try to stick to the one-comment rule, unless they answer you. That is a good rule of thumb.
to "opus6" - do you have some disagreement with the actual substance of my comments? If not, I'm pleased that I have succeeded in clearing up the misunderstanding about Ron Bloom.
OPie, It was my pleasure to help out a friend. I will definitely consider comment moderation. Thank You for the suggestion.
nyp, You said "I don't have my own blog, since I think it more interesting to add my little contribution to other people's discussions." But, in fact you do. So, that makes you a liar. Its is called, Bloom will always be a nutjob. Ron Bloom is a communist. You and him are two peas in a pod, two nutjob liars. You are not welcome here at all. Stop harassing me.
OPie, Thanks for returning the favor, my friend. You got my back. I really appreciate it.
Teresa,I have two (2) words for you---#1--COMMENT#2--Moderationbelieve me, these 2 little words will solve ALL of your blog problems and you can nyp this thing in the bud(pun intended)
Nyp, call the FBI. but remember that if you do, they look into both the person called on AND THE CALLER! Do you REALLY want the FBI looking into you? have lived a perfect live and have no skeletons in your closet. Up... Too late, I ALREADY REPORTED YOU!!!!
Teresa, the # of deleted comments is making me LOL!
The evidence is so obvious a child would convict. BO is a "raised by radicals" socialist. Who is this loser who's harassing you Teresa and how can I help?
It really buggs me that people will come and drop their stink bombs like this in blogs with a focus and a message of correction and guidance. They just serve to annoy and miss the pint as if it were not even there. I stopped by NYP and asked a few pointed questions to get him to see the light, but as we both know, trying to teach closed minds is so hard when they think their minds are so open. The problem is their minds are so open their brains fall out.
I have moved to moderated comments because this nyp, or as OPie referred to he/she/it as, is the Not Your Polite Blogger and is a rude, obnoxious, disrespctful prick who obviously has NO life. Nyp has proven this by both disrespecting my friends and I on my blog. Nyp thinks I can't handle the oppposition, which isn't true. The TRUTH is I can't deal with ignorant people who act like 5 year olds, who show absolutely no capacity for respect for either people, or an opposing view. Plus, the twat keeps on cutting and pasting the same comment. He is the perfect example of an obamabot who hasn't got a damn clue about life, or how the world works. And, nyp continues to harass me on my blog.BTW- MORON, there are many more conservatives than liberals. The only reason Obama won is because both the media and he lied. Your a liar, too. So, go have fun with all your Democrat liars.
Teresa,I want to say THANK YOU for taking our advise and moving to 'comment moderation'. Not only will it keep your blog free and clear of trash and litter, but it helps keep MY e-mail free and clear of the trash and litter as well, because all I ever saw was 'nyp nyp nyp nyp nyp' in my inbox. So, thank you thank you thank you.And remember folks--"help control the liberal population...have your democrat spayed or neutered".
@nyp (Not Your fucking Place) If you don't have a small penis, does that mean you're a lovely term the British use to denigrate people? I've read your comments for weeks. I believe the term is quite fitting.
@nyp Say hello to Eric Holder for me and tell I said to go fuck himself (after you fuck him, of course).
I love the smell of napalm in the morning ... WOW, go get 'em TROLL PATROL ....
If I may be so bold, there is a way to deal with such trolls. moderate, or ban them. Don't waste a moment of your time otherwise.
Matt, Thanks for your advice. For now I am definitely going to stick to moderating.
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Most Rev. Gregori,
Obama is a marxist. He shows all the telling signs of being a Marxist. Bill's just not right in the head.
It really ddoesn't surprise me that anyone in the Wimp House would admire Mao Tse-Tung. Seems like all of them are Marxists in there.
Mao Tse-Tung was, after all, a communist and one of history's greatest (although I would classify him as the WORST) mass murderers, who murdered 10 times MORE people than Hitler's Holocaust.
I am beginning to think that the people in the Wimp House are smoking crack these days.
United Conservatives,
I agree. The people in the Wimp House are using crack.
You are discussing the "Obama" administration or as I prefer to call it, regime as I'm not convinced Obama really won the election, but now I am questioning who is calling the shots. I will post on this later as I am putting it together now, but when do you see Obama talking about the real issues? Its always Rahm (deadfish) Immanuel or David (the penguin) Axlerod. Obama has shown no capacity to even talk without teleprompter. Now If he can't even talk without a teleprompter, is he really engineering the restructuring of the country or is he really just an actor who is the TV president for the people and press?
To "Andrew33": I would advise you in the strongest possible terms to neither commit federal felonies with respect to internet hacking, nor threaten to do so.
I have cached your threats to commit a federal offense. I have also cached your previous threat to "use my weapons and explosives expertise against that government" if health insurance reform is passed into law.
Stop coming to my blog!!!
Stop harassing me!!!!
Since you have proven that you don't have the brain capacity of even a 5 year old,go have fun playing with yourself.
STOP harassing my friends and I!!!!
Here's a challenge for you: I challenge you to find the entire clip of Ron Bloom and post it on your blog. If you want to post crapola, go ahead. Do it your own blog.
MRG, O'Reilly is a nice guy of the Will Rogers school, remember Will's famous quote, "I never met a man I didn't like". I suspect this is where Bill is coming from. He is quite blind in many ways.
I want to apologize for being such a douchebag and harassing you. I guess it just comes from my frustration at being a liberal moron with a very small penis (which is a big problem for me since I am a woman).
Teresa, hon, don't feed the trolls. May I recommend comment moderation? Works wonders at my place. The polite libs get published. The others don't.
Thanks so much for defending me on my blog yesterday. I was on my way to a long appointment and pubished that comment but didn't have time to respond. You rushed in and said all the right things. It is nice to have a friend who had "got your back". I hope I can do the same for you.
But some folks simply need to be locked out os the sandbox. Not mentioning any names...
Teres; In light of your generous offer, I will meet you halfway. I don't have my own blog, since I think it more interesting to add my little contribution to other people's discussions. But here is a link to Ron Bloom's entire speech. I urge you and your readers to listen to it and decide for yourself what you think about him.
Make sure you stay for the joke at the end! If you don't want to listen to the speech, he is a link to an extremely similar talk he gave in 2006 at anothe investors' conference. (Did you ever ask yourselves what a Maoist is doing attending all these institutional investor conferences?)
As you will see, it is all about the Unions' role in complex corporate bankruptcy negotiations. Bloom has done several dozen of the for the Steelworkers, and, by some estimates, has saved about 35,000 union jobs.
NYP (Not Your Polite blogger?)
I believe Google has tutorials on how to start your own blog. Teresa has asked you to keep your stuff-ola over on your own site. Yet here you are leaving comment after comment and answering yourself while she is probably off cooking dinner or asleep. Have you no shame? No pride? Do understand how a conversation works? You talk then the other person talks and so on. Try to stick to the one-comment rule, unless they answer you. That is a good rule of thumb.
to "opus6" - do you have some disagreement with the actual substance of my comments? If not, I'm pleased that I have succeeded in clearing up the misunderstanding about Ron Bloom.
It was my pleasure to help out a friend. I will definitely consider comment moderation. Thank You for the suggestion.
You said "I don't have my own blog, since I think it more interesting to add my little contribution to other people's discussions."
But, in fact you do. So, that makes you a liar.
Its is called,
Ron Bloom will always be a nutjob. Ron Bloom is a communist. You and him are two peas in a pod, two nutjob liars.
You are not welcome here at all. Stop harassing me.
Thanks for returning the favor, my friend. You got my back. I really appreciate it.
I have two (2) words for you---
believe me, these 2 little words will solve ALL of your blog problems and you can nyp this thing in the bud
(pun intended)
Nyp, call the FBI. but remember that if you do, they look into both the person called on AND THE CALLER! Do you REALLY want the FBI looking into you? have lived a perfect live and have no skeletons in your closet. Up... Too late, I ALREADY REPORTED YOU!!!!
Teresa, the # of deleted comments is making me LOL!
The evidence is so obvious a child would convict. BO is a "raised by radicals" socialist.
Who is this loser who's harassing you Teresa and how can I help?
It really buggs me that people will come and drop their stink bombs like this in blogs with a focus and a message of correction and guidance. They just serve to annoy and miss the pint as if it were not even there.
I stopped by NYP and asked a few pointed questions to get him to see the light, but as we both know, trying to teach closed minds is so hard when they think their minds are so open. The problem is their minds are so open their brains fall out.
I have moved to moderated comments because this nyp, or as OPie referred to he/she/it as, is the Not Your Polite Blogger and is a rude, obnoxious, disrespctful prick who obviously has NO life. Nyp has proven this by both disrespecting my friends and I on my blog. Nyp thinks I can't handle the oppposition, which isn't true. The TRUTH is I can't deal with ignorant people who act like 5 year olds, who show absolutely no capacity for respect for either people, or an opposing view. Plus, the twat keeps on cutting and pasting the same comment. He is the perfect example of an obamabot who hasn't got a damn clue about life, or how the world works. And, nyp continues to harass me on my blog.
BTW- MORON, there are many more conservatives than liberals. The only reason Obama won is because both the media and he lied. Your a liar, too. So, go have fun with all your Democrat liars.
I want to say THANK YOU for taking our advise and moving to 'comment moderation'. Not only will it keep your blog free and clear of trash and litter, but it helps keep MY e-mail free and clear of the trash and litter as well, because all I ever saw was 'nyp nyp nyp nyp nyp' in my inbox.
So, thank you thank you thank you.
And remember folks--"help control the liberal population...have your democrat spayed or neutered".
@nyp (Not Your fucking Place) If you don't have a small penis, does that mean you're a lovely term the British use to denigrate people? I've read your comments for weeks. I believe the term is quite fitting.
@nyp Say hello to Eric Holder for me and tell I said to go fuck himself (after you fuck him, of course).
I love the smell of napalm in the morning ... WOW, go get 'em TROLL PATROL ....
If I may be so bold, there is a way to deal with such trolls.
Just moderate, or ban them. Don't waste a moment of your time otherwise.
Thanks for your advice. For now I am definitely going to stick to moderating.
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