Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chris Matthews Wishes Rush Limbaugh DEAD!

Chris Matthews the blood-sucking leech that he is wants Rush Limbaugh DEAD! He is a sycophant that has all sorts of thrills and chills running up his leg, just at the mere sight of our Dear Leader. I think Matthews may have experienced a we we moment from all the excitement. Has he been experiencing a certain kind of dampness? Matthews is a sick bastage. This is an extremely sick fantasy - wanting Rush Dead. Was that a death threat? Should the meniacal low-life bastage be fired from PSMNBC? I say YES. But, The far leftist network has utterly no legitimacy as news network anyways, so why start being one now? MSNBC has no integrity whatsoever, so it almost a certainty that this station will do absolutely nothing with regards to reprimanding Chris Matthews. MSNBC fills the airwaves with bunches of lies, distortions, and dastardly evil wishes on conservatives. Freedom of speech is one thing, but Chris Matthews crossed the line in a mega way with wishing Limbaugh DEAD. Wishing death upon a person is no laughing matter, and it must not be taken lightly. This damn freakin low-life sicko needs to be fired from MSNBC.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: You guys see Live and Let Die, the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big? In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up. I have to tell you, Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet. But we’ll be there to watch. I think he’s Mr. Big, I think Yaphet Kotto. Are you watching, Rush?

Live and Let Die? Matthews is into the Roger Moore Bond films? That explains a lot, actually.

Note too, that Matthews isn’t using the dishonest “some people are saying” dodge here, either. He’s openly wistful for the day it happens, telling Politico’s Jonathan Martin and Washington Post reporter Anne Kornblut that “we’ll be there to watch” when someone offs Rush.

Classy. Really, really classy. Does NBC want to stand behind this standard for its broadcasts?

H/T goes to Political Integrity Now
Originally posted at


  1. Add him to the list of Wanda Sykes and others who have wished this on El Rushbo.

    Matthews is a waste of good air.

    Good job, hon!

  2. and look how he gets away with it Teresa!!

  3. Well, of course he gets away with it--he is just another pawn in the evil chess game of the annointed one's liberal leftist lunatic demoncrap farty that is under the voodoo spell of the anti-christ known as Barak Obama.

    Now tell me--just what do you think would happen if Rush Limbaugh had said this about HIM???

    Piss Fatthews is an Obamabot that will say and do anything for the Obamassiah that was elected as this country's dictator.

    Can you hear the anger and disgust in my voice?

  4. Sometime back I would occasionally watch Chris, but I stopped months ago. His inside the beltway knowledge of politics is good. Thats all I can say good about this creep and he is a creep. When he got that tingle moment he totally lost any respect I might have had for his opinion. Frankly he is nothing.

  5. He's not even worth talking about, I think he's beyond wee wee already.

  6. Isn't it always the left accusing Rush of stirring up hatred? I am simply amazed that such is the shape of America that Up is called Down. And, actually, red is called blue, real liberal is called conservative (classic liberal, mind you), and evil is called good. They don't even bother hiding it now.

    Either it's about to all be over... or, it's about to all be over. If this was another nation, I would get the popcorn going. As is, I am planning.

  7. blackandgoldfan,
    You right. We can add him to the list of jackasses.

  8. WomanHonorThyself,
    What the liberals get away with is sickening!

  9. United Conservatives,
    Rush would have been fired in a heartbeat. There are mountains full of hypocrisy in the MSM. I can most certainly hear the anger and disgust in your voice. I'm right with you there.

  10. Ron,
    Chris is definitely a low-life creep.

  11. Most Rev. Gregori,
    He certainly needs to vent something.

  12. Doom,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You are most welcome here anytime. This crazy world we live in is definitely upside down and screwed up.

  13. Back atcha, Chris...I hereby publicly declare that I hope that thrill you have in your leg is an embolism from your blocked leg artery shooting up to lodge in your heart and cause a massive heart attack.

  14. Live and let die is my favorite Bond film. I somehow doubt Mathews can comprehend a Bond Flim. He seems like the type that would watch a "b" porno flick for the dialogue. That is the only thing that I can think of that is comparable to the dialogue on Mathew's show: Softballs.

  15. With one of the lowest ratings on TV, he won't last much longer I wouldn't think. Advertisers will put up with his bad ratings just so long. With that said, I think it's just better ignore the Ass-Hole.

  16. It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

    Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. Don’t we all feel better?

  17. Paul,
    Rush only blames celebrities and MSM when they don't check out their facts and spread lies about him. Rush has never said anything racist. The left likes to spew lies and distortions to destroy good conservatives, instead of debating them on actual issues. Rush is a satirist. He uses people's own words against them, unlike the left who has to make false accusations along with making stuff up about him. The fact that the left likes to distort conservative's words and spread outright lies about conservatives proves how the liberals have no sense of values, morality, and principles. The fact that Sanchez and others' have admitted that there was in fact NO source for their accusations against Rush shows how liberals in the MSM lack journalistic inegrity. They only care about spewing the lefts garbage.

    Since you didn't condemn the death wishes made by Chris Matthews:
    The fact that you don't find Chris Matthews statement to be reprehensible says a whole heck about you and your lack of character and morality. I guess you wouldn't care, or be opposed if death threats were made against Keith Olbermann.

  18. Pray for Rush: Psalm 109:8.

  19. Recently heard Chris Matthews say that Limbaugh and other talk show hosts sound angry, make hateful remarks, and talk radio is responsible for the AZ shooters. And here's Chris Matthews saying he wants to see someone blow Rush's head off. Great post. How true it is that these are sicko hypocrites and sycophants.

  20. I think in liberal TV field there is nobody as stupid as Chris Matthews (followed by Katie Couric)...I wonder...did he go to high school?
