Monday, October 5, 2009

Movie On Global Warming Myths(Premiere): Not Evil Just Wrong

This Movie Premiers October 18, 2009


  1. Global warming is just like the big bang theory! A joke. After all, an explosion in a print shop could never create a dictionary!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be back!

    Go GOP!
    Go Newt!
    God bless America!


  2. The Right Look,
    Global warming is such a hoax. I guess the left needed another way to rip people off and make money at the same time.

    Thank You for visiting my blog and commenting. I will be back at yours soon. God Bless America!

  3. Gee. I bet the maker of this film won't win the Nobel prize.

  4. They changed it from "global warming" to "climate change" because it's not getting warmer. This is a big hoax and Al Gore has made millions selling carbon credits. The producers of the movie say "it's not evil, it's wrong"...well I think Al Gore is wrong and evil. He preaches to us peons about our carbon footprint, then jets off to his big house and fleet of cars. Evil Hypocrite.
