Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now is the Time: Drill, Baby, Drill

Here is an article written by Sarah Palin on energy independence at Poltical Integrity. com:

Posted on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page:

The British newspaper The Independent reported today that Gulf oil producers were negotiating with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the dollar in pricing oil with a basket of currencies.[1] According to the Wall Street Journal, Arab oil officials have denied the story, but even the possibility of such a talk weakens the dollar and renews fears about its continued viability as an international reserve currency.[2] In fact, today a United Nations official called for a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar and end our “privilege” to run up huge deficits.[3] We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar.[4]

All of this is a result of our out-of-control debt. This is why we need to rein in spending, and this is also why we need energy independence. A weakened dollar means higher commodity prices. This will make it more difficult to pay our bills – including the bill to import oil.

In his book Architects of Ruin, Peter Schweizer points out that the Obama administration is focusing primarily on “green energy,” while ignoring our need to develop our domestic conventional energy resources.[5] We’re ignoring the looming crisis caused by our dependence on foreign oil. Because we’re dependent on foreign nations for our oil, we’re also at their mercy if they decide to dump the dollar as their trade currency. We can’t allow ourselves to be so vulnerable to the whims of foreign nations. That’s why we must develop our own domestic supplies of oil and gas.

Though the chant of “Drill, baby, drill” was much derided, it expressed the need to confront this issue head-on before it reaches a crisis point.

Bottom line: let’s stop digging ourselves into debt and start drilling for energy independence.
- Sarah Palin

We need to stop being dependent for oil from countries in the Middle East that hate us, and want to destroy us. There are many places today within the U.S. that we could start the process of drilling for oil today. One place in the U.S. that we could start the process of drilling, and its been ready for years, is ANWR in Alaska. ANWR consists of an area comprising 19 million, 600 thousand (19,600,000) acres. The area within ANWR needed for oil production is a miniscule, 2000 acres! According to The Progressive Conservative USA,"The area in which we would be drilling is a land where nothing can live. Not even the caribou go there if they can avoid it. It is barren and there's nothing there but frozen mud and rocks. It's like a cold desert. Nobody lives there because nobody in his right mind would want to live there."

So, why the heck are we not drilling for oil right here in the U.S.? All those damn environmental Whacko nutjobs have infiltrated the U.S. with their warped sense of reality. And, they have influenced the politicians in Washington to abandon common sense and lose their minds, instead of the politicians actually doing what is right for America.

I agree with Sarah Palin, let's "Drill, baby, Drill" and now.


  1. I agree totally. This is why I dislike Charlie Crist, our Republican Governor here in Florida. Our Coastal waters are among the most oil rich in the world. There is enough natural gas in the "Destin Dome" to power America for 150 years, accounting for growth. We were offered a deal similar to the deal Palin got for Alaskans, where property owners would get an annual check for drilling rights 150 miles offshore. Crist blocked the deal. How many foreclosures could be prevented or jobs saved had we gotten that deal? How much lower would gas prices be? I will NEVER vote for him again and will support anyone who runs against him who is pro energy. Green energy is as green as the stuff those who believe in it are smoking. It is as viable as unicorn farming and the martian migrant worker program.

  2. I think it is a stretch to call the Obama pResidency an administration. I am not convinced with all the voting irregularities that he won fairly, nor do I believe he will willingly relinquish power, so by definition, it is a regime. Think 3 years out, and look at Obama...can you honestly picture him willingly stepping down? I make it a point to read into what he says closely. For instance when Obama said people making less than $250K a year would not see their taxes go up, I thought he was saying there would be hidden taxes. By doubling the amount of money in print, he has cut everyone's pay in half, buy not circulating that money, it became a hidden tax. Similarly, Obama has repeatedly said he would rather be a 1 term "good" president. If my guess is right, he means that there not be elected Presidents after him and he will try if the opportunity arises to become a dictator. Obama's support for the ex-president of Honduras who according to their constitution should step down along with support for Chavez, Castro, A-Jad etc shows me at least that Obama would jump at the chance to be dictator for life.

  3. You make a good point, when we can no longer buy the oil we need with our useless dollars what currency can we use, maybe the Peso---isn't that funny, but thats what its come to. Damn we are turning into a banana republic and not a very good one at that (a leftist one)!

  4. The Rev is right. This is all going as planned.

  5. Most Rev Gregori, I have read your comments on several of my friends' blogs. You are welcome to come over to the blog I co-host and click on link where you can e-mail me. I bet I have something you'd love to read. Teresa knows what I am talking about. It is very pertinent to your financial collapse comment. Thanks everyone for your comments here. There are many of Teresa's readers that are new to me, some I am familiar with. Teresa visits Kook's Manifesto which I co-host often and contributes lots of great comments. She has also reposts our material which both Kook and I greatly appreciate. Our material is archived and available for anyone to repost, reuse, edit or share in any way. We just want to get our ideas out into the realm of discussion. Knowledge is the most valuable commodity on Earth and we try to give freely. The dollar can rise and fall like any other currency, but knowledge always keeps it's value. Both Kook and I hope that the knowledge we share can make this country a better place. We also hope that the rest of you will share knowledge with us as well. That is why Obama fears us and wants to shut us down.

  6. Andrew 33,
    Thanks so much for stopping by commenting.
    I honestly don't know much about Christ, but I have heard good things about Rubio. The "Destin Dome" would be an excellent source of alernative energy and why we are not planning for its use puzzles me. Another broken promise of Obama's? He's only looking at "green" alternatives that will put more people out of work than create new jobs. I agree with you about Christ and how many jobs and foreclosures he could have saved by making the deal to acquire the natural gas.

  7. Ron,
    yeah. I hate the fact that we're turning into a banana republic. The left is taking us down a very dangerous path, and it sucks....

  8. Most Rev Gregori,
    Andrew 33 is full of great knowledge and he and his friend KOOK have an excellent blog.

    I never knew that the callapse of the dollar was planned. But, somehow with increasing my knowledge recently, that doesn't surprise me.

  9. Andrew 33,
    I'll get back to your later and respond to your other comments but I recommend you go over to Most Rev. Gregori's blog. Its called Let the Truth be Known. Its great and I believe that you will find his writings very interesting.

  10. Nickie,
    I can certainly believe it.

  11. Teresa, UPS will have an explanation to the who what when why etc. of the planned dollar collapse shortly.

  12. Charlie Crist was Jeb Bush's assistant Gov. He is rumored to be "in the closet" and recently got married to quell those rumors. Crist wilted to the environmental lobby, possibly because they threatened to "out him." We had a very similar deal offered to us that Alaska got, but he turned it down. You see why a politician hiding something like that is so dangerous? Crist is smart enough to leave the policies that Jeb put in place alone. Jeb ran Florida like GW ran texas. Jeb kept taxes and spending low. As soon as Jeb was out of state office, he started talking smack about how the repubs need to forget Reagan and go another way. Crist is another Bush RINO and turning that money money down for drilling has cost this state dearly.

  13. I call this President a dip stick all day.... But every time I look, the darn things as dry as an Obama joke.... What a coincidence...

  14. Check out Chris's blog. He reposted the Axis of idiots post for me so let's stop by his blog and welcome him to the club.

  15. We are drilling for water on the moon with the recent space shot--but water for those farmers in the valley in CA and oil in the Gulf of Mexico, heck thats a no! no!

  16. God Bless Sarah Palin:
    If she were President, or even VP we would not be going thru this destruction of the dollar, and of America. We have more than enough natural resources, we should be using them....before China owns them, along with all of us.

  17. And cut everyone else out, drive down the cost of oil, and tell the Saudi's to go pound sand when they ask for subsidies.

  18. Andrew33,
    I suspect with the help of the corrupt group ACORN, Obama won the election thru thievery.

  19. Eman,
    That's a good one. Obama's no joke.

  20. Ron,
    When we run out of water in a gazillion years the U.S., the govt. is prepared to send us to the moon to retrieve our water. Ya, know running out of oil really doesn't matter to our govt. Who really cares about keeping transportation running.

  21. Bunni,
    Definitely if Sarah Palin was President we would be drilling and looking for alternate sources of energy the common sense way, not the "green" way.

  22. Dr. Dave,
    If foreigners want oil we'll hike the prices so high, like they do to us.
