General McChrystal has been waiting... And waiting .... For the "indecisive one" to give an answer to his request for over 2 months. As Obama acts like a school-boy on a teeter-totter, and as Karl Rove describes Obama's indecisiveness as
Wobbly our troops are waiting for their commander-in-chief to send the additional troops to help them defeat Al-Qaeda.

Obama has been on the prowl hunting Fox instead of actually focusing on his priorities of being a commander-in-chief and granting General McChrystal's request. Obambi needs to listen to the General whom he appointed as the commander in Afghanistan. Obambi either needs to send more troops to Afghanistan, or bring our troops home before they are endangered further due to Obambi's indecision and him being a weak leader.

Obama is in bed with the same media and Democratic Party who wanted the U.S. to fail in Iraq. Obama is still in bed with the MSM who wants the U.S. to surrender in defeat in Afghanistan rather than properly securing this area of the Middle East in order to stop the breeding of terrorism as best we can. I believe that Obama is putting politics above both the safety of the lives of our soldiers and of the United States. Obama called the War in Afghanistan a "war of necessity" but as soon as he realizes that the obstacles are tougher than he thought, the Obamapussy wanes, hides, and is indecisive proving that he is a weak President.
The narcissist in him can't resist going after Fox. Dealing with Afghanistan would require a real day's work.
Not only did he call Afghanistan the 'war of necessity' but he already escalated the troop levels back in March.
If he wanted to quit he should have done so then.
Great cartoons to wake up to with my coffee. If he doesn't watch his back, the Fox will take him down.
I agree. He is probably the WORST president this country has ever had in history. Hell, Richard Nixon is looking better and better as the days pass by, and Nixon was just as bad when it came to being paranoid and distrustful about the media et al.
Oh ho ho, I love the cartoons! OMG! What a way to wake up without that first cup of joe!
Thank you for a great post. I see that some of my 'commentary style' is starting to rub off on you. Keep up the good work.
I said this on Twitter the other day, and it certainly still rings true today: Obama dithers, support for Afghanistan withers, and another jihadi snake with an IED slithers toward our troops.
BTW...fuck you, nyp.
Good morning, Teresa. Your blog is really going strong. I want you to know I'm thinking of you on this bright, sunshiny Saturday morning. ;-)
Right. I don't think he understands what the term work means.
Good afternoon!! That is so sweet of you, to think about me. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful weekend!!
I agree. It would be a nonsensical move to quit in defeat now.
Amusing Bunni,
I think you are right. I think he wants the U.S. to fail. It might help him continue on his blasted blame campaign. You always make me laugh over at your blog. It gives me bright sunshiny cheer. I hope that all works out with your job. Have a great weekend!!
Wouldn't that be so awesome if some person on Fox found a skeleton in his closet and it brought Obama down? A dream, I know. WE need pleasant dreams nowadays.
United Conservatives,
I think Obama is the worst President ever. He's certainly the most nefarious. I am delighted that you loved the cartoons. Thanks for the education in commentary.
Dr. Dave,
How true that is. What a great rhyme!! I love it!
You are very welcomed, glad I could help.
Be sure to send your friends and yourself to my blog for the latest postings. I got some good ones up there, and some I need some help on, because I am just at a loss for words (which is unusual for me).
That wile Fox will not be brought down.
We even have support of the other 5 majors.
Check out this video.
There is still some intergrity in the world! I feel much better!
Please everyone heck out United Conservatives blog. She's new to the blogosphere and please welcome her and visit her blog.
Right Look,
Yeah, the other 5 networks stood up for Fox . Pretty amazing!!!
Occasionally the British show some sense---they have out-lawed Fox hunting. Great idea for a post Teresa. Very good.
That's a good thing. I knew Britain had some sense.
Most Rev. Gregori,
Your right, us pions count for nothin. I can't wait to check out your latest video. You find some of the most informative and interesting videos!
It is unconscionable that Obama has time for golf, family photos, Wednesday night parties at the WH, waging a "war" against Fox and the conservative radio guys, etc., but he won't make a decision on Afghanistan. He is a weak pResident and is pandering to his Left wing base.
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