Saturday, October 3, 2009

Obama Worship Oh No!

Obama Worship by mauchosauceproduction


  1. PJTV rocks! And this is a particularly good video. It explains the alarm at the deification of Obama. Good find.

  2. Hi Teresa, this is a great find. I've not been monitoring my youtube channel the last few days.
    It's just plain creepy that they change the lyrics to hymns and revered American battle songs and insert this bums name in place. Well, now I think the jerk been's brought down a peg or too....hee hee.
    Happy Weekend.

  3. Thanks for the vid - maybe the obamadolatry will quiet down a bit after the Olympic setback... we can only hope.

  4. OPie,
    No person should be thinking of anyone as God and especially not Obama.

  5. Odie,
    Zoe's videos are usually pretty good.

  6. Amusing Bunni,
    I'm glad you liked the video. That is definitely creepy about replacing BO's name in songs. I am so glad for you that there's NO Olympics in Chicago. Have a great weekend!!

  7. LSP,
    I sure hope so. This idolatry of Obama is downright dangerous.

  8. Very creepy video, but thanks for sharing. It is creepy enough that this person is being deified but to re-write songs with his name in them???

    Give me a break. I am so glad that I listen to classical music more than anything and I am even more glad that I listen to conservative talk radio more than music.

  9. United Conservatives of America,
    Thank You for stopping by and commenting. It sure is good to listen to talk radio.
