Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Politician Who Has Got a Clue (Video)

A H/T for this excellent video goes out to No Subject . Please go and check out his blog. Here is a politician who has got a clue. Representative Ted Poe of Texas understands what the American people need and want from their elected officials in congress. I just wish Obama, his comrades, and, the RHINOS would get a clue. Rep. Poe has common sense, which our politicians seem to be lacking nowadays. He understands that he is working for the people, and not vice versa. Enjoy!


  1. He's good.

    I'd like to take the Congress, put them in that box he was talking about, lock it and throw away the key.

  2. Conservative Lady,
    Yes, He's one of the good politicians. Most of the politicians in congress deserve to be locked away in that box.

  3. Most politicans play to their special interest and the strongest supporters in their base and anyone else in their district can take a leap. For some unknown reason Teresa, they always and I mean always try and complicate the issues and avoid taking a stand on most issues, especially right before election time. After the election for just a brief time we see their true colors, but like the cameleon they soon blend into the background and become all things to all people.

  4. Ron,
    WE'll see what happens in the future, but I believe that these are his true colors.

  5. This is a great speech. I think I'll share it on my blog.

  6. Very good. I hope his colleagues were listening.

  7. Thank you Teresa, He says it quite plainly and to the point. I believe I have heard his name on the short list for President for 2012.

  8. yes working for the people! Busy weekend for a change..hope youre doin well!!:)

  9. What a great speech! This guys head is right where it belongs! Right on top and between very square shoulders!



  10. Most Rev. Gregori,
    I hope the rest of congress does, too.

  11. Liberty,
    Thanks for stopping by an commenting. Yes, its a great speech. We definitely need to share this with as many people as possible.

  12. Odie,
    I hope he runs for President in 2012.

  13. WomanHonorThyself,
    Thanks for the well wishes as I can really use them, since I have a horrible cold. I hope everythings going well for you. Try not to work too hard :)

  14. Right Look,
    It was a great speech. Need more politicians like him.

  15. It's gonna be wonderful to watch the true Conservatives begin rising to the top.

  16. Nickie,
    It is gonna be great to see the new conservatives rise to the top.
