This health care bill passing cloture last night is an utter disgrace to the American people. These Democratic politicians are giving every American citizen the middle finger by not giving a flying F***K what the majority of American people would want with regards to health care reform. This health care bill, if it passes the senate, will be the destruction of Amercans freedom as we know it today. This bill is tyranny being forced upon American citizens. This bill will raise costs, force health care to be rationed, eliminate competition, and force insurance companies out of business. This bill will utterly destroy our health care system. This bill will destroy our economy. This bill has nothing to do with health care at all. This bill has everything to do with stripping the American people of freedom and liberty. This bill is all about the Democrats gaining power and control over the American people.
All of these communists are following their Dear Leader of tyranny. These communist pigs must be booted from office in 2010. They obviously don't give a rat's ass about the American people. They are a bunch of selfish bastages.
Anyone that supports this bill needs to sent to either Venezuela, or Cuba to fully experience the "benefits" of communism with equal dismal health care to experience being equally financially poor. These people think that profits are evil. If they believe that profits are evil then they should give all of their profits up. Everyone that earns money is in a real sense earning a profit. If anyone wants a raise then they want to reap the benefits of making a profit. If you really do see profits as evil, than forfeit all your rights to profit. The people that think profits are evil will not apply that same principle to themselves. So, these people are a bunch of damn hypocrites.
Because of this liberal and/or communist infiltration into our society, we as a society have fallen away from God given principles and values. We need to return to these Godly principles and values so that our country will be saved from this attack on morality. These communists have infiltrated into our public schools and into our government and have made it crystal cle that they want no mention of God, period. Sure, anyone is allowed to say Allah and are not offended even though violent Jihadist extremists have killed over 3000 innocent Americans. People at the highest levels want to cover up for the Ft. Hood tragedy which was an act of terrorism. They distort Christanity and portray it as an evil when it is those very people that are evil. They just don't want to face reality and the truth. They spread hateful lies about Christianity. These secularists in our society must be stopped. Our Christiann principles must be spread far and wide. Let people hear the word of God all over this country. We must not be intimidated by the people who want to restrict our right to freedom of religion. These secularists want to distort our constitution and portray the words as freedom from religion instead of the actual words in the constitution, freedom of religion. This is false. We must spread the values that our in constitution far and wide. Let them see our Godly actions. This is the time to take a stand for morality and against the secularists in our society today. Let us promote individualism, freedom, liberty, and Godly values all across this land. God Bless America!!
Hear, hear! You've just said exactly what I think. If they think that communism is so friggin' cool, they can go to Cuba; heck, I'd approve tax payer funding to ship the whole lot of them there. One way. They are destroying our country, trampling on our values, and shredding our Constitution. I'm horrified, and I refuse to accept the destruction of my country at the hands of a bunch of shameless, disgusting slime buckets. They will not prevail. We will. 2010 and 2012 are the end of the radical liberals in this country. No more. If the dems want to back up and regroup and move center, fine, but these far left radical nutjobs have to GO.
ReplyDeleteFuzzy Slippers,
ReplyDeleteI just think if these commies hate America so much, that they should leave instead of destroying it for the rest of us great Americans. I think you are right about 2010 and 2012. I think people are at the end of their rope and they're not going to take being led down a pathway to this country's destruction anymore.
Teresa, I could not agree with you more. Why don't all these socialist commies go to any of a myriad of countries with that system, instead of ruining ours. Makes me so angry!
ReplyDeleteIn the end they may get their Obamacare, but often out of evil comes good. I recall: The Maine, The Alamo, and Pearl Harbor which all led to the great battle cries of "Remember the Maine", "Remember the Alamo" and others. Can you hear "Remember Obamacare" in 2010. There is always a price to be paid by what amounts to treason.
ReplyDeleteThis illness bill is neither constitutional nor a reflection of the will of the people. It is illegitimate. I don't know why we should plan to comply with it.
ReplyDeleteThis health care bill passing cloture last night is an utter disgrace to the American people...u said it all Teres!
ReplyDeleteI guess its because these commies have no respect.
ReplyDeleteI hope Obamacare doesn't pass. But, if it does I hope everyone that voted for it and wants regrets it.
ReplyDeleteYour right. I don't think we should comply either. Its unconstitutional.
ReplyDeleteYes, its a disgrace to say the least.
A very powerful post, Teresa. I think the reason that the libs don't leave for a workers paradise like Cuba is because they want to change THIS nation. Some of them think that we'll have all the stuff that we have now, just more "equality." Those folks are in for a surprise. Others, those who know why, mean to change this nation to crush the hopes of freedom living people all over the planet. The US has always represented freedom and opportunity. We were not just a free country, we were the hope of oppressed people all over the world. Snuff out freedom here, and darkness descends over the world, perhaps for centuries.
ReplyDeleteGreat rant, Teresa, and exactly what's wrong with the UK too! You have stiil got the opportunity of the mid-terms next year and that damned healthcare bill has more obstacles still in it's way - it's not a done deal yet so keep on fighting the good fight.
ReplyDeleteheh, maybe RightKlik is on to something and we need a little civil disobedience? They can't lock us all up and call it a good move. Think what it would cost in money alone, let alone in political capital, to round up thousands of patriots who refuse to comply. Ahhh, it's late, I'm getting sleepy and raving. :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent rant teresa and you are right, it's not about health care, it's about freedom and stripping that away from all of you. That's what it always was about and always will be with the left.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Teresa. These progressives/statists have been planning this takeover for many years. The stars were finally aligned with Obama's election and now they must do all in their power to seal the deal before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteI am encouraged that more and more people are realizing that this "change" isn't what they expected. Obama's polls are falling and come 2010, I think there will be a bloodbath when the liberals are kicked out of office.