Friday, November 13, 2009

Obamacare is Not Fiscally Responsible (Video)

Dan Mitchell: You can take it to the bank that government-run health care is a red-ink train wreck.


  1. Government programs almost always cost more, much more than originally planned and this Obama care bill will fall into that category. This will give us a ocean of red ink with no way out. The end of the America we all have known.

  2. May God grant Obama never sees any such bill to sign. This is part of the prayer I pray with my 10 yr old son as my wife and I tuck him in at night. We do this to protect him from the finacial weight of Obama's lies, for this fool will sign anything that places more privet sector business and jobs under the governments control.

  3. I remember a year ago I worried about socialized medicine and a doctor assured me that nobody in their right mind would pursue something that costly in the middle of an economic downturn.


  4. Ron, I hate to tell you this, but all we are is red ink. Pull out a dollar bill, look at it. Now think of it as being worth less than nothing. That is the truth. Every dollar is actually a negativity now thanks to massive overprinting of money. Once people (like oil sellers and bankers) figure that out, our monetary system will have the biggest collapse in history.

  5. You can tell a politician is lying when his lips are moving.

  6. Odie, you can tell a politician has stopped lying when they have their funeral.

  7. Ron,
    Obamacare will the ruination of this country.

  8. Eman,
    That's a good plan. Good Luck in protecting your son from the evil lies of Obama.

  9. Opie,
    Well, these people are not in their right minds. They have all gone madd. Let's lock em up and throw away the key.

  10. Andrew33,
    This will cause hyperinflation. Obama having too much money printed will kill our economy eventually.

  11. Odie,
    I agree with that for the most part.
