Friday, November 6, 2009

Obama's Disgraceful Response to the Ft. Hood Shootings

President Obama has the ability to be eloquent when he wants to, and he DID NOT display eloquence during his press conference. He displayed NO COMPASSION and NO SYMPATHY for the injured soldiers and the murdered soldiers and their families. This incident called for our president to respond properly. He did not. Our Dear Leader did not display any emotions of shock or horror in response to this horrific incident. Our president disgusts me so much. Hasan, the shooter, screamed "Allah Akbar" which means "Allah is great" and "God is Great." Hasan is a Muslim. This is plain and simple. This was an act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM. There is no denying that fact. The MSM is trying to spin this act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM as an incident that occurred due to PTSD. He did NOT have PTSD. He had NOT served overseas. Hasan was honoring Allah and his Muslim religion. This Muslim religion is NOT the religion of peace. This was an act of Domestic Terrorism and Obama failed to call this sickening act for what it really was. Is this further evidence of what Obama's true religion is? With each waking day, Obama continuously attacks Christian beliefs and the morality related to the faith, displays such a detached and inadequate response to acts of Muslim terrorism committed against our soldiers, and dithers on making a decision on whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan. These examples are further proof that Obama is NO CHRISTIAN. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the soldiers and families effected by this tragedy that was perpetrated at Ft. Hood Texas yesterday.

H/T to


  1. obama is a Serious asshole, but what else is new eh?

  2. I too, noticed that shout out and thought that few would notice now unthoughtful it was, but then we should have learned by now to expect this from Barack Himself Obama. He has a ego-centric and truely thinks the world revolved around his stupidity.

  3. This man has no soul. I am now convinced of the grave threat he is to the freedoms we hold dear. This was a terrorist act. This was done by a man who preached of the death of infidels in the weeks prior to his heinous act. The only reason I’m glad he’s alive is so someone might punish this scumbag. I want answers. I want retribution and I want Obama to have to spend a day in this terrorists cell so he can see the resolve of these pathetic cowards.

  4. Ron,
    The man is so egotistical. I have never seen someone so selfish as him and such a disgace to the presidency.

  5. Eman,
    I agree. Obama is evil and has no soul. The man is deliberately destroying this great country piece-by-piece. He sickens me...

  6. Jim,
    Obama is a puppet. He is not intelligent at all.

  7. I saw his statement live and could not believe my ears.
    This was definitely an act of terrorism.
    Political correctness is going to be the end of us.
    Good post.
    How was your day in DC???

  8. What would expect from someone who doesn't give a damn about our troops?

    Hi, nyp. Fuck you!

  9. I am SO glad that you've written this; it's exactly what I was thinking, too. Remember how the left jumped on President Bush for not reacting to the first news of 9/11 because he was sitting in front of schoolkids reading a story? But it's okay for BO to practically giggle? Grrr.

  10. The Democrats cannot bring themselves to condemn or blame terrorism on Islam. The are a big tent party which embraces all religions with the exception of many Christian groups so they will say this shooter suffers from mental illness and second hand battle fatique rather than admit the truth that most Americans see. This is a serious flaw in their big tent theory. In an attempt to be all thing to all people they have become nothing to most.

  11. It's called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's a clinical diagnosis!

    I'd say the scumbag terrorist from Ft. Hood had it too!


  12. The Conservative Lady,
    Yes. It was an act of terrorism. I had a great time in D.C. Thanks for asking.

  13. Dr. Dave,
    Good point. This president is so anti-military, he's a disgrace to the presidency.

  14. Fuzzy Slippers,
    I remember when Bush was excoriated for reading to school children on 9/11. Obama sickens me so much. Obama was extremely
    out-of-line. The man has no respect for our military.

  15. The Right Look,
    You are right! That's why I call Obama narcissist-in-chief.

  16. Ron,
    Your right. The big tent has become the party of nothing. They don't stand for anything good. They have absolutely NO moral standards and don't understand the concept of responsibility.

  17. The shout out to the supposed medal of honor winner was a shout out to a medal of freedom winner, one that Barack gave to the Chief---wonder if he knows the difference!

  18. Hi Teresa, you wrote exactly what I was thinking when I first saw obummer defile the memories of these brave soldiers. I tweeted that their families are suffering enough without having to see this poser pretend to be sorry. He is a disgrace and this is one more nail in the coffin of his ineptitude. I wish he'd just go away.

  19. What a non-squitur by MaObama. It was like WTF are you talking about? It's more important to talk about a meeting where indians have their tin cup out? Just another one of his constituencies that he has to kiss the ass of. He has no clue, and this is just one more incidence of his willingness to do the opposite of what any normal person would do because he eschews what is normal to Americans. It's as if we have a president who isn't American, and there is no pun intended here. It's as if he never lived here.

  20. I wish to thank you for this beautiful post. As for Obama's response. Please don't get me started.
    And to the fallen brave American Soldiers at Ft Hood..
    We must do whatever we can to prevent this from ever happening again.

  21. Amusing Bunni,
    He is a disgrace. I wish that this was all a bad dream and would go away when we woke up. Unfortunately, this nightmare is a reality.

  22. The Right Guy,
    Your right. Obama only cares about kissing ass to his constituents, while step-by-step destroying this great nation.

    Thank You for stopping by and commenting. I always try to speak straight from my heart. I love this country and want to help save it from tyranny. Your right. We must make sure that this type of incident NEVER happens again. Thanks for your compliment.

  24. Obama must have no heart. Only way I can explain it.

  25. We just suffered the biggest Islamic jihad terrorist attack on our homeland since 9/29. Meanwhile, we have B. Hussein Obama in the White House telling us not to rush to judgment.

    It is sort of like we have a president today who is dithering on whether or not to continue a silly fantasy-based nation building mission in Afghanistan to try to win the hearts and minds of Muslims who are obligated per their religion to hate our guts no matter what, while Iran, on the other hand, with impunity and while thumbing its nose at the @#$%& non-Islamic world is on the verge of acquiring the Islamic bomb, which will inevitably lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons across the entire Dar al Islam.

    Yep it’s obvious B. Hussein Obama and his ilk have their priorities straight. Not that the Republicans and unfortunately many conservatives today aren’t also as blind as a bat as well when it comes to Islam and Muslims! Whatever happened to quickly and forcefully obliterating our enemies ASAP, creating deterrence, and then going home? Apparently, political correct multiculturalism has afflicted our society every bit as bad as the Bubonic Plague afflicted the world during the Dark Ages.

    Not only that but we are having mosques now all across the country asking for extra police protection because of a feared backlash by so-called Islamaphobes or people who otherwise legitimately criticize Islam, even though so for, knock on wood, there has been no backlash.

    In other words, like they deceptively have been doing for many years now, CAIR and the other many Saudi funded Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) groups are using this tragic event to make the Muslims out to be the victims in the minds of the gullible, clueless, and naive politically correct.

    Considering the current occupants of the White House and the current majorities in Congress, along with the long established alliance the left has had with Islam, in the end this event will be attributed to a psychopath who just snapped and decided to unleash an attack in which 13 of our finest were shot down in cold blood and 38 were maimed and injured. No heads will ever roll for this monstrosity!

    Sort of like GWB never fired and even promoted those multicultural politically correct moonbats whose incompetence led to 9/11. Instead, GWB just appointed an idiotic 9/11 commission to sweep their incompetence under the rug and to justify doubling the size of the federal government under the guise of protecting the homeland and to also make accommodation, per his Saudi and Gulf State benefactors, for Muslim immigration and all the excess baggage it carries along with it.

    Don’t look now but this country is being auctioned off by our so-called leaders and not necessarily to the highest bidders. Unfortunately, there will be no more America left over for our children and grandchildren. It is a very sorry and sad state of affairs and I don’t like it one bit!
