Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nebraskans: Huckabee is Holding Rally Today in Omaha Demanding Nelson Vote NO

Mike Huckabee is holding a rally today in Omaha, Nebraska demanding that Senator Nelson switch his vote back to NO.  

The rally will be held at the Omaha Music Hall, 17th and Capitol. Doors open at 2 PM. Rally starts at 3 PM.

Other participants will include Congressman Terry, Auditor Foley, Nebraska State Senators McCoy, Fulton, Krist, Price and Lautenbaugh.

Please sign the petition for Sen. Ben Nelson to vote NO here.

If you live nearby, please attend and show your support.  If you  have friends or family that do, please tell them about the rally.


  1. Unfortunately, I don't think Huckabee has as much bling to offer Nelson, so I doubt this will do any good.

    I am disgusted today. "Change" needs to come posthaste.

  2. Good For Him! I wish I could go.
    PS: I played around with my banner, I don't think you saw it before your comment!
    See how you like! My first "photochop"...he ehee hee.

    Merry Christmas Teresa, From Bunni

  3. Nice try, but I'm with Snarky. They don't care what we think. They're down there exchanging bribes and influence-for our detriment, at our expense.

  4. Huckabee needs to do something and this is a good step in the right direction. But SB is right the Huck doesn't have the bling.

  5. Good blog here!!
    Thank you for stopping by and reading mine...
    BTW- thanks to you - I posted an up-date to my post on the Grill in Arizona...


  6. The Leftist Party is the Abortion Party.

    So no matter what other BS we'll be hearing from the criminals in D.C. (the former Democrat Party) abortions will be available, on the taxpayers' dime, for everybody.

  7. Obviously, this out of control government couldn't care less what “We the People” want, so we have to come up with a different approach. One not so nice!

  8. We must keep working this as there is still time to make the case and show Ben Nelson he is in his last term if he shoves healthcare down our throats. Americans should have the freedom to decide if they want healthcare or not.
