Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama The Pimp is Screwing Americans With His Health Care Plan

Obama is the pimp and the Democrats are his whores. They have sold the American people out for money and their pet projects. This is the abomination of America.
The American people have spoken and it is clear as you can see here and here that a majority of Americans are outraged at the Democrats want to flush Obamacare down the toilet. The Democrats have purposefully ignored the American people.
Obama and the Democrats are enslaving citizens into a new health care system which will include: rationing, higher costs, taking away your choice of doctors, and forcing Americans to fund the killing of innocent human life.

You shall not pass this bill for if you cretins do, the wait times to see a doctor will be so long that there will be one long ass line in each city waiting for the sole doctor practicing medicine in each city. The line will be so long that you will have a 50/50 chance of getting to the end of it alive to see the doctor in time to treat you for your illness and save your life. If you are not one of the lucky half, for you, the heavens above will open up and you will see St. Peter sitting at his throne shedding tears for all the people, now on another line -- the stairway to heaven -- because they died way too early because of Obama death care.
Plus, if you pass this health care debacle this health care of horrors will have you take a pill instead of your needed surgery just like President BO said. And then, to top it off Obama's crock of docs will give you the blue pill, the wrong pill, to try and heal what ails you.
You destroyers of America will go against our constitution and force Americans to pay for health care or get fined and/or go to jail. We will say, Hell NO!!! Hell NO WE Won't Pay!!! There will be multitudes of court cases challenging this unconstitutional monstrosity due to it violating our freedom, liberty, and right to privacy.

Here is a brilliant piece of work written by Snarky Basterd over at ADHD.
You Shall Not Pass. . . Obamacare


  1. There are so many reasons why this power grab should be denied. I pray that it will. One way or another.

  2. If they really represented us, these people in Washington would burn this bill on the Capital steps. It would be worth the carbon footprint.

    Help U.S. Jesus!!!

  3. Great post Teresa. Hell no we won't pay sounds good to me and there will be many lawsuits in the months and years to come if this thing passes.

  4. I love the Obama picture. That is CLASSIC!

  5. OPie,
    Me too. If it isn't stopped in Congress I hope its stopped in the courts.

  6. Eman,
    Yep. That would be great seeing the bill burn.

  7. Odie,
    He deserves all the hell that we can give him.

  8. Ron,
    God help us if this thing passes. But, I think that if it passes there will be numerous lawsuits keeping the legislation tied up for many years.

  9. Dolley,
    I love the picture too. It goes with his Chicago persona.

  10. I think all the resistance has caused it to be watered down, and the states will fight it, but in the end, we have to get Conservatives into office in 2010, and 2012. Then, real issues with health care can be addressed, with next to no government involvement at all.

  11. Whew! That was a great article and a great link!

    I have stolen the article and will send it to my reps, especially Bill Nelson, who listens to nothing his constituents say.

    He is one of those anotty-nosed, snooty, uppity, "I know better than you'll ever know," elitist "southern gentleman" politicians straight out of Pogo (if you're old enough to get the reference - if not, look him up...he was great political fun).

  12. Hi Teresa! Obummer is worse than a pimp. Funny pic. These clowns can't even run a little database so psycho jihadists won't blow up people on airplane...and they want us to trust them running a huge thing like healthcare? They are nuts. It's great you posted Dr. Dave's anti h/c piece. Even Satan knows how evil this whole thing is.

    Glad you're back and I hope you had a most wonderful Christmas time.

  13. Terri, Obama's pencil mustache gave me my biggest laugh of the day. Keep up the pressure on this vile congress of whores!

  14. Good old Mack Daddy Obama" as the irreverent Pastor Manning nicknamed him during the campaign...(here) and another one here...

    As for healthcare, I guess we saw the ObamaCare plan in action today; a 1000 hospital and secret service escorted ambulance bill for a kid of a connected millionaire Chicago guest at Obama's 4 G a night Hawaiian pleasure palace today.

    All for a couple stitches on his chin, plus a visit from Obama, who didn't even quit his golf game when Jeremiah Jihad lit his tiny nuts on fire Sunday flying into Detroit.

    Like the Clinton health care debacle where Bill volunteered to do the breast exams for free.

  15. Last weekend while you were cooking and shopping and wrapping presents, and preparing for the holidays with your family, Harry Reid’s Senate was making shady backroom deals to ram through the Democrat health care take-over. The Senate ended debate on this bill without even reading it. That and midnight weekend votes seem to be standard operating procedures in D.C. No one is certain of what’s in the bill, but Senator Jim DeMint spotted one shocking revelation regarding the section in the bill describing the Independent Medicare Advisory Board (now called the Independent Payment Advisory Board), which is a panel of bureaucrats charged with cutting health care costs on the backs of patients – also known as rationing. Apparently Reid and friends have changed the rules of the Senate so that the section of the bill dealing with this board can’t be repealed or amended without a 2/3 supermajority vote.

    It’s good to know some things never change. Jihadists are still trying to carry out terrorist attacks against innocent civilians while the U.S. Senate pontificates during hearings. And Barack Obama still take his cheap (but expensive) Photo -Op’s strutting along the Beaches of Hawaii

  16. Matt,
    Your right, getting conservatives into office is the answer. I hope the states fight it too.

  17. Joe,
    Have fun sending it to your reps, and especially Ben Nelson since he's one of the biggest whores among them.

  18. Amusing Bunni,
    I am glad to be back. I had a great time seeing my 2 1/2 year old twin nieces and the rest of the in-laws. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday.

    Yep, BO is worse than a pimp.

  19. Nicki,
    Happy to make you laugh. Will be keeping the pressure on.

  20. Chicago Ray,
    I guess the Chicago thugs had a pow wow and didn't teach their kids to play nice.

  21. Texas for Sarah Palin,
    I heard about that under handed, dirty sneakery. These libtards are hiding the truth from us. This crap must stop.

  22. This bill, even in its watered down state, is a disaster. They've stated very clearly that they see it as a path to full-blown socialized medicine. And Americans do not want that. They all need to go next year, and BO HAS to go in 2012. I'm not sure my heart can take another three years of this nightmare, let alone seven!! *shudder*

    And I like the hell no we won't pay thing, too. I think a LOT of people will be pushing the unconstitutionality of the FEDERAL government forcing people to purchase a product. Clogging up the courts and jails with "criminals" who don't buy health insurance will be the order of the day, I'm sure. It almost makes me smile, but it's just pathetic that it's come to this.
