Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fr. Benedict Groeschel -- Celebrating 50 Years of Priesthood

While attending college at FUS, I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Fr. Benedict Groeschel when I went on a missionary trip to the Bronx during one of my spring breaks in college. Our group that was helping out for the week stayed in the old school right next to the the monastery. While in the Bronx I helped the poor, unwed mothers and people living with HIV/AIDS. I even had the chance to visit the chapel inside the monastery. That was neato! I met many wonderful brothers and priests. It was an amazing and wonderful experience. Fr. Benedict Groeschel is and has been an inspiration to many people. It was a real eye opening experience and enjoyable experience helping the people in need in New York City.

I originally posted this to my other blog.


  1. nice change of pace ..Have a great day!:)

  2. Fr. Groeschel sounds like a great man. Must say I know nothing about him, only what you say and the video. You do have a good head on your sholders so I will take your word on this one. Its great to have people we can look up too in this old world---not too many around these days.

  3. Praise the Lord, there are some good priests out there!

  4. WomanHonorThyself,
    Have a great night!

  5. Ron,
    He's one of the good priests. He is a great role model for our youth.

  6. Amusing Bunni,
    He's a great priest ( I believe world renowned). Thankfully, there are some priests that haven't been corrupted by liberalism.

  7. Most Rev. Gregori,
    Awesome news! Something else we have in common. I love listening to his talks. Actually, I'd like to read some of his books also.

  8. Sounds like a great man. Agree with Ron, we see less of such men these days.

  9. That was a beautiful video honoring a great man.
