Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Countbrown With Keith Olbermann

H/T goes to The Right Scoop


  1. Ick. I can't stand to hear his voice. Sorry.

    The left's obsession with race reveals them as the racists. I try to judge men on the content of their character. And I don't like Olbermann's character.

  2. Cute video drives home a point.I never what Keith, Cris Matthews is bad enough but Keith is just to far out on that limb for me---he is the worst!!!!

  3. That was good. Funny, and exposed Ubermoron's fail. Opus, Ubermoron has no character.

  4. Olberman and the fringe Media are the real Racists! Democrats are knee deep in racist activity. It blows my mind to hear Dolberman call Sarah Palin "stupid". She had a real job unlike someone like Obama, who was only elected because of white guilt.
    Love Teresa's Blog!

  5. Opie,
    Neither can I. He reminds me of nails on a chalkboard when he speaks. Exactly. The Left are the racists. They judge people by color wheras we see people as Americans.

  6. Ron,
    Your right. Keith does surpass Chris in suuckiness. He's too whacko for me too.

  7. Matt,
    Your right. Ubermoron- What character? He fails so baaad!

  8. Stop Marxism,
    Yes. Lefties are the racists. Obama hasn't had a real job in his life. Community organizing does not qualify as a real job. Sarah Palin has been successful and is intelligent. Maybe, Libs like dumb?

  9. Love it!

    I posted this with the Dallas Tea Party video for Olbermann, and gave you credits, of course!

  10. That is hilarious! Olbermann is such a goof. You'd think he would know someone would do some checking around his own bee hive.
