Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Did The Fiscal Groundhog See His Shadow? (Video)


  1. That was the cutest video, Teresa, it is scary too! I'd like to run away and hide in a hole somewhere too!
    This is adorable, I'll tweet it. Hope you have a lovely evening.

  2. Amusing Bunni,
    Cute and scary at the same time. Didn't know that was possible,LOL! Hiding in a whole sounds good to me. Thanks for the tweet. Have a wonderful and relaxing night!

  3. When BO got elected I joked that if it weren't for my family, I would want to be put into cryogenic stasis until 2012. Hiding in the nearest hole is much cheaper ;-)

  4. Cube,
    Hiding in a hole sounds like a good option to get away from this horror of an administration. But, there also needs to be patriots like us keeping vigilant and fighting back against this nonsensical administration.
