Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Glenn Beck Exposes Progressive Lies, Progressive Joe Klein & Liberal Mental Gymnastics

H/T goes to The Right Scoop


  1. I watch Beck every day at 4pm here in the central time zone and again at 1am, just in case I missed something. Thanks for the visit today at Obama Cartoons, I don't promote that site much its just a fun thing. I thought I had linked to you there, but hadn't---you are now linked.

  2. Oops, checked again and you were alread linked, sorry for my confusion. Getting much snow up your way?

  3. Ron,
    I enjoy your cartoons. Thanks for the link.

    Thank goodness we were spared this time from the blizzard. We got about an additional 5 inches. Thanks for asking.

  4. Saw it on You Tube. I hate going to the fox news site, the commercials are so loud.

    It was one of his best shows.
