Sunday, February 28, 2010

Humorous Political Comics


  1. What makes them so funny is that they are true.

  2. I like your cartoons! Where is friendly Al anyway. Not so friendly these days now that his little scheme has been exposed for what it was all along---a bib, big scam, that lined his pockets along with the pockets of all his friends. Didn't cost him much to pull this off either with the massive support of the MSM and a few dollars sprinkled in the scientific community in the form of grants. Grants that were given to obtain a desired result!

  3. I love Day by Day.. I subscribe to it myself. Great stuff!

    @ Ron Russell - AlGore has made an appearance, you didn't hear?

    He did an Op-Ed for the NYT, you can find it through my post here.

  4. Chris W,
    Exactly. Making fun of reality.

  5. Ron,
    Thank goodness Al's scheme has been exposed.
    Bribery=desired outcome

  6. Soloman,
    I just started subscribing last week and love Day-by-Day..

  7. Truth in humor. Humor in truth. You've got to laugh otherwise you cry.

  8. I was laughing at the girls. The red head looks like my Daughter-in-Law.
