Monday, February 15, 2010

Islam: Followers of the "Religion of Peace" Spews Hatred

A H/T goes to Patriot's Corner for this very revealing video.  There was disruption at Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's speech by the Muslim Student Union at UC-Irvine.  In this video, the Muslims at UC-Irvine show their true colors.


  1. Sorry Teresa I could only stand but a few seconds of that garbage.

    Any clear-minded person with an education and understanding of the Quaran knows it is nothing but a cult that teaches hatred and violence.

    Scientology has more credit for petes sake and that does not speak well for Islam.

  2. Chris,
    Don't worry about it. My husband could only take so much of it also.

    I totally agree. I had never thought of Scientology as having more credibility than Islam.

  3. Volumes could be written on contemporary Islam and it's dysfunctional relationship with the West.

    I don't consider true Islam a cult, but I do consider many of it's practitioners to use it as a cult with mythos and fabrications that help further an agenda. All the while, these so-called leaders are laughing quietly to themselves as these sometimes misguided souls march to their death and to the death of thousands.

  4. "Volumes could be written on contemporary Islam and it's dysfunctional relationship with the West."

    Remove the last word, "West", and replace it with "truth" and you have a better understanding of how important it is to make martyrs out of every one of these zealots.

    Stop by my blog guys and gals, Wisconsin is leading the charge to rid us or BO.

  5. I have only one thing to say, GITMO ISN'T BIG ENOUGH !!!
