Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stossel On Charter Schools

School Choice is one of the most important elements to help students succeed in their schooling. 

A Big H/T goes to MAINFO


  1. Free enterprise will ALWAYS produce better results than ANYTHING the freaking government gets their hands on... Unions are 95% of what's wrong in this country, why the hell else would the Andy Sterns of the world be pushing for healthcare... The unfunded pension plans of these unions are bankrupting this country...

    Sorry, I got a little carried away, when the subject was our children's education... Any time you get government involved and you throw in unions, that's a recipe for disaster...

  2. Teresa, my last day in a classroom was the day that a federal judge from the 5th Circuit in New Orleans told me I could no longer teach in my old high school and that I must teach at another school in my district. Until that moment I had been a conservative but after that day I became a radical conservative. The government uses our kids to push their agendas and doesn't give a crap about the kids and that girl is the simple, but painful truth!

  3. Freedom is always the solution to any problem. Government control fails at every level. Stossel is great at exposing and explaining this type of thing. Thank God he is on FOX.
