Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eric Cantor Has Received Threats and Says Dems are "Dangerously Fanning the Flames"

Eric Cantor has received threats both before and after the health care bill's passage in Congress. But, a shot was fired through the window of Eric Cantor's office in Virginia after the passage of Obamacare. This is unconscionable. But, I haven't heard any Democrats denounce violence like I have heard the Republicans denounce violence. This violence is unacceptable and people who disagree must move on in discussion, and we who want to repeal this bill must reboot or reload and continue our efforts so that we may repeal this bill.


  1. This will be blamed on the Tea Partiers too because the libtards will claim that they don't believe in guns.

  2. Violence by the left in this country is almost a daily occurrence and is seldom noticed by the MSM, but if one act in done by someone from the right its the old man bites dog thing its so unusual. These recent acts of vandalism are regrettable, but as yet we don't know who committed them although they are being blamed on the right in an attempt to discredit the Tea Party movement.

  3. The radicals who are running the country now were the radicals blowing up buildings in the 60's.
    The liberal/progressive (whatever) have been the violent ones throughout the years.
    Glenn Beck has a very good theory on why the left is trying to turn us into the terrorists. I posted on it today.

  4. I was really proud that Cantor stood up there and named names - something that is too often not done from Republicans.

    Can you imagine having your office windows shot through, and you are responsible for the people working inside. That's terrifying.

    It is time to take the gloves off in a very smart way. We can do it. Cantor started it today. John Boehner started it in his "hell no" speech.

  5. So many conservatives are threatened. Libs accept that, and squack to high heaven when it happens to them. None of it is acceptable.

  6. here is what the Associated Press reports concerning the bullet that broke the window of Representative Cantor's campaign office:

    "Later Thursday, however, Richmond police said in a news release that the bullet had been fired into the air around 1 a.m. Tuesday. It finished its random arc back to earth at a sharp downward trajectory, breaking a window pane on the bottom floor of the two-story brick building where Cantor's campaign leases the top floor."

  7. Chris W,
    I am sure that is the libtards plan but most people do in fact believe in guns, liberal or conservative.

  8. Ron,
    Your right. The Left knows violence very well. The people who agreed with and bombed in the 60"s & 70's are now in the Obama administration.

  9. The Conservative Lady,
    Thanks for posting Beck's show yesterday. He is extremely good at revealing the truth about these libtards.

  10. Maggie,
    I was too. I am so glad the GOP is starting to have spunk and speak out against the nonsense that Democrats are saying.

  11. Most Rev. Gregori,
    I agree. I wouldn't doubt if the administration or someone connected to them was paying the SEIU to do just that. The Left will stoop to anything.

  12. Opie,
    Absolutely. No violence is acceptable.

  13. Here is what the Washington Post reported:

    Richmond police are investigating a shot fired at U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor's downtown office on Main Street early Tuesday when no one was in the building.

    A police statement this afternoon said that a preliminary investigation shows that a bullet struck a window, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the window but did not penetrate the blinds.

    Cantor's office is in a small building several blocks from the heart of downtown, near the historic Jefferson Hotel. It has several small offices in it, of which Cantor's is one.There are no Cantor signs on the doors or windows.

    Various Republican candidates have occupied the offices in the historic Reagan Building through the years, including former governor Jim Gilmore.

    Wherever the shot landed, it is horrible and unconscionable for any person to take a shot at the buiding where his office is located.

  14. We all know that the only threats that count are the ones against liberals.

    nyp: Must have been a magic bullet.

  15. to "Joe": all I can tell you is that the Richmond police say the shot had nothing to do with Representative Cantor's unmarked office, that it was fired in the air, and hit the window as it was descending.
