Monday, March 15, 2010

STOP This Tyrannical and Immoral Health Care Bill

The Democrats in Congress are now trying to shove this health care debacle bill down our throats like its the best medicine for the American people since penicillin was invented.  Well, I am allergic to penicillin, so get this freaking danger to my life the hell outta here, and flush it right down the crapper.  The American people have spoken out against this bill continuously for over a year but these ignorant politicians have proven that they either have their heads up their arses or they simply don't give a damn about the American people.  Or both?  This bill is a danger to our life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, privacy, and most of all our freedom.  This is one big step away from being a Republic and a huge leap toward dictatorship and socialism.  Patrick Caddell and Douglas Schoen point out in their coloumn how the Democrats blatant refusal to listen to the American people is going to come back to bite them in the arse in the November elections.  The arrogance of this administration and this Democratic Congress has become quite apparent over this past year or so.  This Congress and administration is refusing to see the writing on the wall- REALITY- and are dredging forward and deeper into their swamp.  As Obama and the Democrats continue to present on the facade that they are for health are reform, Rep. Paul Ryan points out what real meaningful health care reform is instead of the fakery and mockery that Democrats have made out of their whole health care "reform" initiative.  Instead of curbing the cost of health care the CBO points out that Obamacare will raise premiums of health insurance.  And, then Archbishop Chaput points out the immorality of this health care bill and how "Catholic" agencies are doing a disservice to the Catholic community and American people by presenting this bill as being pro-life, when in fact it is not.  This bill must be thrown in the garbage.  We must do meaningful health care reform that accomplshes what health reform was set out to do- lowers health care costs and increases accessibility to people.


  1. Great rant, Teresa, and I'm with you 100%. I'm honestly a little sick to my stomach about this whole thing, what it is and more importantly what it means. This will destroy our country.

  2. I agree with Fuzzy and that article you point to by Caddel and Shoen is a good one and a huge warning for democrats in 2010 and well,well beyond.

  3. Penicillin? I think it's more like ipecac. They wanna shove it down our throats, but they don't realize how nasty it's gonna be when it comes back up!

  4. If I could wave a magic wand and make this horrible bill go away, I would. It has been a burden on my mind for a long time now and it is like a zombie that keeps coming back to life. Enough already. Just die!

  5. Teresa, this whole ugly episode needs to STOP. I have had it up to HERE with the Dems in congress and their obsession with government takeovers. But no matter what, I will not stand down. Thanks for hanging in through the long struggle.

  6. They will go at it until we best it down. And I really think we won this time.

  7. Hi Teresa:
    I agree this bill must be stopped.
    I don't really think the Democrats care about losing their majority in November. If they pass this bill, they will have achieved their goal of government health care which will make people dependent on the government. People dependent on the government will vote for politicians who promote big government and all the goodies it promises. They'll get their majority back in the future and it will be harder to take it away from them as time goes on.
    The promotion of these social programs (icluding amnesty) will guarantee Democrat voters in the future.

  8. Teresa, excellent post.

    The problem is that we are dealing with radical ideologues that don't give a damn about the Constitution or any of us. They want to radically change the United States and "progress" towards a socialistic society. Heath care control is the cornerstone of their plan. It doesn't matter to them if they lose this November because the ends justify the means. What we need to do is make sure they not only do they pay the price this November but many Novembers from this point on. To do this, we will need to keep active in the political process and stay focused.

  9. Well said Teresa. This bill is an abomination. Even more appalling is the fact that the Dems insist on still trying in spite of the fact that the legislation has been thoroughly rejected by the people.

  10. lets pray Teres that pple come to their senses!

  11. there are 12 of us going down to the Hill tomorrow as we live locally. If you want me to sign in at your congressman's office, let me know at my blog and I will be more than happy to do it for you.

  12. National Health Care will not only make health care worse in this country, but will lead to budget shortfalls and needed funds being taken out of the defense budget. In the end this will leave us with a weaker military and worse health care. Its a lose-lose deal for this nation.

  13. I really think the progressives want to see a 2nd American Revolution.

  14. Time to light up the phone lines and make them know they will pay for a yes vote. Make the call!! MAKE 5 CALLS! If you've never called...CALL!!

  15. No more pussy footing .... It is the communist take over of the U.S.
