Sunday, April 11, 2010

Interested in a Debate on Liberals Use of the Race Card?

Malcolm over at Diversity Ink was kind enough to repost my post on Liberals Using the Race Card.  He is a liberal who invites differing points of view and debates over at his blog.  And, for this I applaud him. I thank him very much for his openness to discussion and debating differing points of view.  Please, go over to his site and join in on the discussion.


  1. I'm sure he woulda just loved my post from earlier in the week....

  2. Good for you, Teresa. Glad you got some props. I'll go check it out, but I'll probably be best to keep my tying fingers silent. You know how I'm how friendly I can be to Regressives.

  3. Teresa: Thanks again for allowing me to use your post at Diversity Ink. I just wanted you to know that I've commented on it.

    Steve and SB: Feel free to join in on the discussion here:

  4. Malcolm,
    I read both your and Fuzzy's comments over your blog. I am sick and I will respond hopefully tonight.
