Friday, April 16, 2010

Lila Rose Exposes Planned Parenthood's Deception & Lies

One of Lila Rose's undercover videos appeared on The O'Reilly Factor

Here is the original release of the undercover video


  1. Planned Parenthood is nothing but a bunch of killers---I have no use whatsoever for these murdererous liars. They are evil and the devils spawn and should be elimated from this earth. I wouldn't sit in the same room with one of them.

  2. The second video makes my heart race. I see no way that we will ever be able to stop these people. SCOTUS will be so completely Liberal by the time Zero leaves.

    Teresa, hope you are doing better.

  3. I can't watch the vids because my kid is here with me and I don't want to expose him to PP's misinformation.

    But I appreciate you getting the word out about this. PP destroys lives of babies, women and men with their lies and greed.

  4. You are spot on Ron!! You speak the truth, my friend.

  5. Most Rev. Gregori,
    Your exactly right. I post these type of videos more to awaken the pro-choicers with truth or reality than for us fellow pro-lifers.

  6. Maggie,
    I hope that SCOTUS has the same makeup when POTUS leaves Office.

    I am feeling better. Thank you for asking.

  7. Opie
    "PP destroys lives of babies, women and men with their lies and greed." You speak the truth, my friend.

    Your right- PP's misinformation is harmful.

  8. Thank you for introducing me to Lila Rose. When we get a new congress in November, one of the first things we need to push for is refunding of planned parenthood, similar to what happened to ACORN.
