After reading THIS and THIS, I pondered a bit. Here are my thoughts:
The liberals that are making false accusations about Tea Partiers must stop!! This is dirty, outrageous, and wrong!! The Democrats and liberals in the media have consistently entered into a smear campaign of tactics consisting of false accusations, hateful rhetoric, and incendiary comments. One particular brand of false accusations that comes to my mind is how the liberals recently have been making charges that Tea Partiers are racists without having one iota of proof to back up their claims. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Tea Partiers are not racists!! We have political disagreements but they are not based on racial differences. Liberals are the ones using blacks for their own benefit in advancing their agenda. The Democrats are the ones who claim to represent the black community while keeping many African Americans and others dependent on government programs. Why doesn’t the black community prioritize their outlook about themselves, refer to themselves as American citizens first and foremost, instead of focusing every little detail or policy on the fact that they are African Americans? Or a different ethnic group? The representatives of the black community are being racially divisive by putting so much focus on a person’s skin color. The Tea Party movement is primarily concerned with fiscal responsibility, rising debt in our country being caused by our government, and individual freedom and liberty for all Americans.
I believe that making false accusations of racism without any proof might make that person who made those false charges a bigot or even a racist if they purposefully make a false claim to score points with a particular community in our society. Why is it that democrats are so infatuated with race and race-based politics?
I would hope that there are some decent liberals out there that would denounce the derogatory language being spewed by liberals in Congress, our Left Stream Media, and by other liberals across America. Do liberals that call black conservatives such derogatory terms as “Oreo” or “Uncle Tom” and “Traitors” know that these are derogatory terms? These terms are extremely inflammatory, incendiary, and must be denounced. Maybe, its just that black liberals couldn’t care less? I don’t know. Have African-Americans and other liberals been misled or are they just ignorant to this fact? Or have they been desensitized by the black community’s acceptance of those terms even though these are in fact bigoted, incendiary, and hurtful rhetoric? Black conservatives are not sell outs to the black community. They care for all people and not just blacks. How do you know the Democrats really care about and speak for African Americans? Is it because they give government handouts? IMO, it is kind of arrogant of the democrats to think that they own a particular set of peoples’ in our society, or speak for them. I found it quite odd, interesting, and good to find out HERE, that there are no derogatory terms specifically targeting black liberals in our society. Is there a reason for this? Are liberals in general more hateful with their rhetoric than conservatives? It sure seems like it to me. But, part of the reason for this is that democrats or liberals play identity and group politics to try to pin certain groups against one another. Liberals like to play favorites towards one particular sect of society against others. Conservatives do not do this. Conservatives look at each individual as an American and we treat everyone the same instead of treating a certain group differently because of their skin color. We do not play economic warfare just because a person’s more successful than another person, and that person may happen to be of a particular ethnic group. Liberals play racial warfare and are causing a great divide in our country while conservatives want everyone to succeed, and don’t blame another ethnic or racial groups for their problems. Every individual in this country has the chance to succeed in life. I hope every person does their very best and succeeds in all their endeavors.
That's a great rant, Theresa! I agree 1000%. They play the race card to get others to cow-tow to their will, with the threat that they will get all offended. Ridiculous example: At the university where I work, there used to be an "unofficial" tradition that at graduation, the graduates would throw tortillas like frisbees. Hispanics complained that it was racist ("disrespecting our culture"), and the administration put the kabosh on it.
ReplyDeleteAck! Sorry I misspelled your name, Teresa!!!
ReplyDeleteRace baiting is something we've always seen from the Left as a tool to demonize conservatives to a block of voters. The problem today is that there are a large number of conservatives who are also BLACK.
ReplyDeleteWorking Black people are trending conservative because barack hussein obama, who is 1/2 black and 1/2 white is screwing them just as hard as he's screwing Americans from every other race.
No holds barred is the democrat creedo lately. They will literally stop at nothing.
ReplyDeleteI would hope that there are some decent liberals out there that would denounce the derogatory language being spewed by liberals in Congress..don't hold your breath girl~!..great post Teresa.:)
ReplyDeleteTo the progressive mind all conservative blacks are Uncle Tom's and traitors to their race. Conservative blacks simply cause liberals to blow a fuse--they must marginalize and discredit them in anyway possible, less their common sense catch on in the black community!
ReplyDeleteWhen Clarence Thomas went through that obscene confirmation, I knew that if they could do that Clarence Thomas, it would be a battle to the end. Liberals have no interest in being fair - and especially to Black conservatives.
ReplyDeleteYou asked if Black Liberals are just misled. I don't think so. Discounting the humanity and worthiness of a fellow Black because of a conservative philosophy is, I believe, a learned attitude. Perhaps it is jealousy, because most Black conservatives have a degree of success. I'm not talking about wealth (although many are wealthy) but about successful lives.
Look how they disdain Dr. Thomas Sowell and Herman Cain.
Look at the lies perpetuated about Civil Rights. There would have been no civil rights law with Republicans.
This is a very thoughtful article Teresa.
Well said, Teresa. I like to think that the Dems crying wolf about racism all year will backfire. I pray that it does.
ReplyDeleteThe vitriol from the left never ceases to amaze, not least viz. 'race.'
ReplyDeleteAh yes the never ending crutch of racism. I can't get anywhere not because I don't wish to try, but because I'm being held down. Wow, this is all starting to get really old.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the way MY government is going, and I speak out ... therefore I'm racist ? It's the left attacking common sense again.