Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Racial Slur Yelled at Tea Party Speaker Michael Johns

Here is a video of Michael Johns speaking at a Tea Party staying composed and cool as a cucumber, all the while a racial slur are being shouted at him.  And, the MSM says the Right is causing racial tension and are a bunch of racists.  This couldn't be further from the truth. This Leftie loon proves the opposite, that the Left are the hate-filled people causing racial divisiveness with yelling racial slurs at people.  Liberals have used everything in their Alinsky playbook to try and paint the Tea Party in a bad light and yet not even one person has come up with credible evidence to support any of their accusations.  Nor has their been an apology from any of the false accusations being flung around by both the Lib politicians and the Left Stream Media.  What a disgrace-gutter politics of the lowest form being displayed by the democrats.


  1. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for this to be played on CNN, MSNBC or anywhere else in the LSM.

  2. Well now.. that certainly must have been one of those racist, hateful, Nazi-sympathizer teabaggers doing all that yelling...

  3. The left always accuses others of doing things they are EXPERT at!

  4. Here we see the left baiting the TEA Party to become violent. Oh how they’d love to see us. What they can never understand because they don’t ever have to think (not even to vote) is that we are angry but we are not inclined to civil unrest, just civility. We ask for our country back and we tell Washington if you will not represent us we will replace you. These loud obnoxious wing nuts aren’t prepared for our style or what lies in their path. We are the I.E.D. (Improvised Explosive Device) lying in the road ahead of them. They are ill prepared for the size and the power of the people and their power. Just as this speaker did, we shall march on and ignore the flack from the left.

  5. This Racial Slur is being spewed all over TV as well. Political Correctness is allowing this Slur to be thrown around anytime. Switch 1 word in front of "boy" and you are accused of being the biggest Racist and fired from your job. The Violent Left is a disgrace to America.
    From "Stop Marxism"

  6. I will always call him Obama, choosing to drop the title. He doesn't consider himself MY president, so I won't acknowledge him as such. After all, I'm not brown, black, young, or a woman.
