Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Stuff on illegal Immigration


  1. I loved his take on PC

  2. Just wanted to send ya a note off the board there:

    sorry if that smart a&& is a friend, I wasn't talking to him but he did what they do best so I just joined your other friend there defending your position take em down a notch..

    At least I don't use profanity on other people's blogs :)

    Sorry if I interrupted your board there. That's why I have to ignore them people otherwise I cut into them. Idiots. Sorry ;)

  3. Ray,
    Don't worry about it. He's not a friend. You are welcome to chime in whenever you wish.

    Kevin's my husband, and his gasket blew because of the way I was being treated by the libs.

  4. I love his take on PC also.

    Zo is great!
