Friday, May 21, 2010

Tom McClintock Teaches Calderon a Lesson on Diplomacy



  1. I dig his speech and applaud him for it, but I would have been prouder if you would have stood (in full few of the cameras), turned his back on Calderon, and walked out.

  2. Snarky is right in that it would have served republicans well to have left the chamber. If the elected do not realize how important their actions are for the nest 6 months, they need not sign their new leases on their Washington apartments this fall. The more time I chew on this issue them more I know Arizona is right and just. The pioneers take the arrows, but they will prevailed and prosper for their endeavor.

  3. We are all Arizonans now.

    Thanks for the hat tip/link.

  4. Excellent speech. I believe this was a defining moment for the Democrats that will cost them dearly this November and beyond. We might argue with one another, but don't you dare interrupt our argument.

  5. Very well said. No nation would or has embraced the insane multiculturalism that we have.

  6. Tom McClintock is a hero. It's disgraceful that chairman ZERO lets this illegal immigrant take over our institutions, and trashes AZ, and America.
    Tom should be pResident.
    Have a super weekend, Teresa, despite all the madness.
