Friday, June 25, 2010

Obama Birth Certificate Questioned on House Floor

While I tend to think that Obama was born in the U.S. or is considered a U.S. citizen I do believe it is proper for him to follow the chain of Presidents in releasing his birth certificate and other documents.

“Little baby with ink on their foot, stamped right there on the birth certificate – there’s one in this country we haven’t seen,’” he said. “But the footprints on those we have seen. Those little babies owe Uncle Sam $44,000.”



  1. Factor in the unfunded liabilities and evey one of those little footprints is in hock for over $385,000.00 each...

  2. Poor little babies. They know not what we do to them.

  3. Teresa,

    You say: "While I tend to think that Obama was born in the U.S.,,,"

    What brings you to that thought? Just take into consideration the fact that Hussein has spent upwards of 1 million dollars in attorney fees and court costs to keep the info surpressed. If not born in the U.S., why would he need or want to do that?

    You continued; ",,,or is considered a U.S. citizen"

    The same reasoning I gave above applies with this as well in regards to constitutional eligibility for the office of POTHUS.

    I do not know how much you have been reading up on this particular subject, but there is a mountain of evidence (aside from the actual document(s)) that runs contrary to your thinking.

  4. NO president before Obama showed his birth certificate.

    Obama DID show his birth certificate. The Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate of Hawaii, and it is the ONLY one that Hawaii currently sends out. AND, Hawaii no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate (

    While King made a snide remark about the birth certificate, notice that he did not call for an investigation of Obama's place of birth. NO member of congress has done this, and ALL members of congress, all 535, voted to confirm Obama's election.

    Not only is Obama's birth certificate the official birth certificate of Hawaii, but the facts on it--that he was born in Hawaii in 1961--were confirmed twice by the officials of the Department of Health of Hawaii and once by the governor of Hawaii. And Obama's Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii, and in another interview she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

  5. its about time!please have a great weekend despite the madness around us!

  6. I truly feel heartbroken for our children and their children. They are the ones who are going to suffer the most with what this current administration is doing and has done.

  7. It is telling that he studiously refuses to prove his accusers wrong.

  8. "Next January, Obama, produce your birth certificate or leave", should be the chant in congress.

  9. Rep. Steve King raises questions that should have been raised during the election. Rep. King gets trashed by fringe Media but his points of Obama showing a Racist background are spot on.
    As far as the Birth Certificate, I would love to have it proved Barry is a fraud. However I am not sure either way on that. His Granny & Wife did say he is from Kenya?
    Thanks for Blog Teresa.
    "Stop Marxism"

  10. Obama's Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She said that he was born in Hawaii, and in another interview she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter received from Hawaii many months after he was born.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, and he has already shown the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, which is the only one that Hawaii issues (
    The Wall Street Journal wrote:

    "In truth, Obama has proved that he is a native of Hawaii, and this proof would hold up in any legal or administrative proceeding."

    And the Journal concluded:

    "Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn."

    That is because Obama has shown the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. It is not forged. The McCain and Hillary campaigns investigated that allegation and found it false. The officials in Hawaii and the governor of Hawaii (a Republican) have repeatedly confirmed the facts on Obama's Hawaii birth certificate.

  11. TellerIP,
    "That is because Obama has shown the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. It is not forged. The McCain and Hillary campaigns investigated that allegation and found it false."
    Did they really? When? Proof?

    The officials in Hawaii and the governor of Hawaii (a Republican) have repeatedly confirmed the facts on Obama's Hawaii birth certificate.

    Not really. There have been many statements that Hawaii officials have made to the contrary or at least not confrming his birth in Hawaii.

    I tend to think that Obama was born in Hawaii but he nor the Hawaii officials haven't provided any proof.

    Look here:

  12. This is the first of two confirmations by the officials in Hawaii:



    Posted November 3, 2008 3:45 PM
    The Swamp

    by James Janega

    Seeking to squelch persistent rumors that Sen. Barack Obama isn't eligible to become president because he allegedly was born outside the United States, a Hawaiian official has confirmed she has "personally seen and verified" that the state "has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate" - meaning Obama was born in the Aloha state, and is therefore an American citizen.

    "There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama's official birth certificate. State law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record," reads an Oct. 31 statement from Hawaii's Dr. Chiyome Fukino, who heads the Hawaii office that oversees health records -- including birth certificates.

    "Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai'i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said in the three paragraph statement.

    "No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai'i," the statement concludes.

    Does this mean Obama was born in Hawaii?

    "Yes," said Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo, in both email and telephone interviews with the Tribune. "That's what Dr. Fukino is saying."

    End Quote

    Notice that the spokeswoman gives a clear answer twice to the question was he born in Hawaii. Yes, she said, Fukino meant that the existence of an original birth certificate in the file means, and can only mean, that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Notice also that the official statement says that there is an original birth certificate in the file. Could this be a Kenyan birth certificate? No, because if that were true, it would have been in violation of Hawaii law to issue a COLB that says “born in Hawaii” if he was born in Kenya. Hawaii does not and did not in 1961 allow a birth document of any kind to be issued that says on it "born in Hawaii" unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii. Obama's says "born in Hawaii" on it.

    Because Hawaii can only issue a COLB that says “born in Hawaii” to someone who was born in Hawaii, the original birth certificate cannot be from anywhere else than Hawaii. And we know that Obama’s COLB says “born in Hawaii.”

  13. In the second confirmation, the officials said:

    "I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

    In this statement, Fukino states flatly that the document or documents in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    So, we have an original birth certificate in the files, and it verifies that Obama was born in Hawaii. (

    In addition, we have the governor of Hawaii also saying that Obama was born in Hawaii, and she even named the hospital he was born at:

    This confirms the statement by the witness who recalls being told of Obama's birth and writing home about it ( She also said Kapiolani, as did Obama himself and his sister (who by the way always said Kapiolani. She was misquoted once, but she always said Kapiolani).

    Then why doesn't Hawaii show the original birth certificate that shows that Obama was born in Hawaii? Because since 2001 it has sent out only short-form birth certificates, like most other states, and the short-form Certification does not include the name of the hospital or the doctor.

    But the Certification is the OFFICIAL birth certificate, accepted as proof of birth in the USA by the US State Department and the branches of the military.

    The Wall Street Journal put it well:

    "Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn."

    And this does not even mention the statement of the witness ( And, the fact that Obama's Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She repeatedly said that he was born in Hawaii, and in another interview she said that the first that her family had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

    Also, Obama indicated in his first book, "Dreams from My Father," written in 1995, long before he even considered running for Senate, much less president, that his mother did not have a passport in 1961. He says in the book "the time was spent applying for passports," passports PLURAL, and that referred to 1966 when Obama and his mother were getting ready to go to Indonesia.

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