Monday, June 14, 2010

Rep. Etheridge Assaults Student

This is outrageous!  Rep. Bob Etheridge's reaction to the budding student journalists was unseemly, inappropriate, harsh, and criminal. He should be disciplined by the House of Representatives for acting like a moronic maniac. He did apologize, but this is unbecoming behavior for a congressman and an example must be made of him so that no other congressman does anything like this ever again.


  1. Congressman Etheridge must be feeling the heat from having supported the Obama agenda. As the old saying goes, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". His poll numbers will be even lower after this disgraceful incident!

  2. Wow...can you imagine if this was a Republican congressman.

  3. The people back home should be OUTRAGED.

    Of course, if they're liberals, they won't be because the student was conservative.

    The double standard is amazing.

  4. Etheridge should be cooling his heels in jail.

  5. It's OK when the left does it. In fact, it's usually the victim's fault.

  6. I'm a liberal and I think what Etheridge did is indefensible. I don't know when it started, but one thing I find troubling is how bad behavior gets politicized. Whether or not Etheridge has a "D" or an "R" after his name shouldn't even matter.

  7. It’s Obama who set the tone… HE is the one with “get in their face”, “hit back twice as hard”, and gonna “kick ass” while Salazar puts his “boot on their throat”. What the hell is this, the Third Reich?

    Now this arrogant clown Etheridge thinks it OK to get violent with an innocent reporter asking a question… and in the most polite fashion imaginable- who cares what his motivations were or weren’t.

    What a horrible example Team Obama and allied union thugs have set for their minions.. who now feel free to lash out like punks at any who dare question them.

    And anyone who still considers Obama some sort of unifier ought to have their head examined- seriously

  8. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."

    Ah ... good comment thingy is back.
