Monday, July 5, 2010

9 Key Concepts of The Declaration of Independence


  1. History and the founders have book marked the 4th of July and its up to us to carry on the traditions laid down by those who came before us. The torch of liberty has been passed and we must not let that fragile flame die.

  2. Tereasa,

    Do you know just from whom the monarchy of England let alone all of Europes monarchies derived their power?

    When you know that answer if you do not already, you may begin to understand me more, my positions and exactly why I deem myself 'conservative' and simply a Christian.

  3. Chris, For some reason comments are not posting to my blog.

  4. That's a great video. That should be mandatory viewing for the public schools. Like that will happen any time soon!

  5. JUst seeing if I could do it here ;)
