Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bailout Joe is Bad for Pennsylvania

Bailout Joe Takes a Stroll Down Memory Lane from Pat Toomey on Vimeo.


  1. We have to stand for Constitutional principles or we are finished.

  2. A perfect example of our rogue government. They do not care for the hardworking Americans that they are stealing from.

  3. We have to stand for Constitutional principles or we are finished...tht says it all Teres!!

  4. I heard yesterday that Pat Toomey is leading in the polls. That's good news.
    I thought the Andy Griffith Show music was funny.

  5. I'm reading today that Toomey and Sestak are tied at 43%. Let's get Sestak out of the House. The old saying that all politics are local is no longer the case. It's going to take money from conservatives across the map to get these liberals out of office.
