Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Battle of New Oil-leans


  1. If this wasn't such a tragedy, this would even be funnier... The saddest part of all is I remember Johnny Horton's original hit... Damn, I'm getting old...

  2. I also find it difficult to laugh. I miss Bush.

  3. Good T ;)

    Count me among the Bush missers' which must be numbering in the 100 million range in this country alone.

    The world that hated him wishes he were here too. At least he could read a stock table and worked once or twice for a real living unlike this useless zebra fraud.

  4. Funny video, I really enjoyed, but the message, not so funny. It is a serious situation and count me in on missing President Bush, he would have gotten the job done.

  5. LMAO, a great little find. We need some humor with this jerk sitting in the Oval Office.

    I'm putting this up at Obama Cartoons and maybe even at TOTUS.

  6. great catch Teresa, and yes another Bush misser here. Is misser a word? I guess if strategery is, misser is. heh.

  7. I miss GWB as our Commander in Chief (CIC).

  8. /I need to get a hat like that.
