Monday, July 5, 2010

John Boehner asks "Mr. President, What About the Country?"


  1. barack hussein obama cares a lot about himself. I think he sincerely cares about getting votes for himself and is willing to have us bear any burden to make that happen. barack hussein obama clearly thinks that what his Marxist cronies feel is important and needs to be considered.

    I think he could give a rat's ass about the good of the country.

  2. Obama has a disdain for America as it is, he will do whatever it takes to remake "our" country into his warped idea of what it should be.

  3. Lie after lie when he opens his mouth. He could care less about this country; he is in it to fundamentally change us from a constitutional republic to a banana republic. We had better make sure this Nov that we balance the scales or he will get what he wants.

  4. I don't think we will ever get a clear answer to any those questions.

    Obama doesn't care about America, he never has, and from the look of things he never will.

    It's all about him.

  5. Obama is such a scum. I'm glad leaders like Boehner post these video's, and hold him accountable.
