Friday, July 23, 2010

No Mosque at Ground Zero!

Muslims already have at least one mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero and don't need another.  If we allow Muslims to have yet another mosque, and that one exist within a couple blocks of Ground Zero we are waving the white flag and allowing terrorists to win, letting Muslims rule the world and create a caliphate.  This mosque has nothing to do with freedom of religion or freedom of speech but in having the citizens of the United States be subjugated by the Muslim world.  We must not let Muslims distort freedom of religion to further both their cause of terrorism and further their endgame of having complete control around the world.

H/T CreepingSharia


  1. T, absolutely. This must not be allowed to happen.

  2. Greeks must not be allowed to revive their tsar-build islamo-sviet temple on world trade center sacred ground! Greeks have always harbored islamosoviet terrorists. On the Thursday before Easter Greeks chant pogrom inciting Beatitudes against "godslaying lawless Jews"in Greek, but change it to "Assemby of Jews" in English. They removed American Archbishop Iakovos because he was too American and Jerusalem Patriarch Irineos because he was too friendly with Israelis. Old witches who used to work at diners until they dropped now slip "Elder Protocols" and other terror claptrap in the pews. When I was growing up priests, would bathe, shave, wear pants - Robed, bearded, stovetopped priest is terror sympathist by definition. Greece was only euronation not to vote for 1947 Israel creation. In such time of war, we should insist that any public assembly of more than ten mandatorily be only in English! We have freedom of worship and speech, but not language.

  3. Hi. It's me again! LOL How are you Teresa?

    Muslims already have at least one mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero and don't need another.

    Did you know that there's this one Baptist church in my town on this street corner? Yeah. And they're building another just one block away.

    Why the heck does the Baptist church need so many darn churches?! Like, really. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that there are like, differences in doctrine and all that stuff, because, how lame is that?

    *deep breath* Yeah.

    If we allow Muslims to have yet another mosque...

    Woah, wait. "Allow" them? Let's see, where could they have gotten the allowance to build a mosque? Oh, I know. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Just that little tidbit.

    we are waving the white flag and allowing terrorists to win, letting Muslims rule the world and create a caliphate.

    One author I read on this subject made an interesting point- when confronted with an issue like this, we should ask ourselves one question: "What would Osama bin Laden want," and then do the opposite.

    bin Laden would love to be able to say "Oh, you can build a church but not a mosque in America," "oh, Muslims are repressed in America!" So why in the world do we want to give him the opportunity?

    Furthermore, if Osama bin Laden really does hate our freedom, don't you think he would have won when our freedoms were taken away? Uh...PATIROT act, anyone?

    Sorry if I came over a little sarcastic, etc...I'm just a little sick of Americans wanting to infringe upon the rights of people to worship however they please, whether we agree with them or no.

  4. Good post Teresa....Why is it liberals and the conservative talkers except Savage and Cunningham don't understand anything Muslims say are lies, because the Koran encourages that to be the only way they interact with infidels..

    Telling them what they wanna hear to accomplish their goals. I'm betting Bloomberg or not one congressman/woman has read the Koran

    Obviously they haven't or they would know this.

    Never trust anything a Muslim tells you in this country EVER.

  5. Here's the pertinent quote

    "lie in this way, to unbelievers and infidels including people of the book. ... Muslims are to kill all unbelievers whenever and wherever they see them ..."

    Lying is a common policy amongst Islamic clerics and statesmen. Read more From "provisions for lying in Islam" here

  6. Great post Teresa. This is simply unacceptable. We cannot allow this as a nation.

  7. Hey Teresa,

    I agree whole heartedly! Great post!

    I had to laugh at the ignorance of the one who calls themself "Liberty" and then goes on to defending this!

    Little quoates are nice and tidy until reality smacks people like this in the face. These are the types that terrorists use and are the first they kill as their use is no longer needed.

    Muslims know not of liberty only oppresion and murder. It IS NOT A RELIGION, it is a cult who worships Satan. PERIOD.

  8. This just can't stand....Great post!

  9. I agree they are ding this as a symbolic victory. They could build that Mosque in a thousand other places.

  10. OPie,
    Absolutely. This must be stopped! Have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Liberty! How have you been? I've been busy but good.

    Different sects has nothing to do with the reason why Muslims want this built right beside Ground Zero.

    This would be like a Japanese statue or a Nazi statue being commemorated on Pearl Harbor but in this case Muslims are perverting the "freedom of religion" for their own terroristic efforts to create a caliphate.

    They would be allowed to pray on their own, just not able to have a mosque built on a war zone. They have other mosques near to the site (but not as close to the war zone) so in fact Muslims would still have the right to worship and would be denied nothing if the mosque is denied the "right" to be built.

    "What would Osama bin Laden want," and then do the opposite.

    Actually, building the mosque so close to the 9/11 site is exactly what Osama Bin Laden would want. This would grant Muslims victory over the war torn site that they crumbled and in which they caused so many deaths. This would be their victory to continue on their pathway to continuing a caliphate.

    "Furthermore, if Osama bin Laden really does hate our freedom, don't you think he would have won when our freedoms were taken away? Uh...PATIROT act, anyone?"

    Denying a mosque to those who do not denounce terrorism is not taking away rights. It is the survival of the fittest- instead of be kill or be killed it is to Protect ourselves against our enemies or have our enemies rule over us.

    I'll grant you the Patriot Act either needs to be seriously revised and chopped in half or totally repealed.

    Look here

  12. Ray,
    Don't know. Blindly following and believing that Islam is a religion rather than political ideology. While I do believe that some follow Islam properly and peacefully most others either won't denounce Islamic violence or are participating in the violence directly.

    Thanks for the links.

  13. John,
    We will fight to stop this atrocity from happening.

  14. Kid,
    Exactly! Can't let this happen.

  15. Chris,
    I agree. Its a cult of political extremism using the cover of religion more than a legitimate religion.

  16. Randy-g,
    We must fight to make sure that this doesn't stand.

  17. Trestin,
    I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  18. I've been doing well. Very busy as well, but that's summer for you. ^.^

    This would be like a Japanese statue or a Nazi statue being commemorated on Pearl Harbor but in this case Muslims are perverting the "freedom of religion" for their own terroristic efforts to create a caliphate.

    Another point brought up the aforementioned author (I have a link to his article on my blog if you'd like to take a look) was this- Osama bin Laden would love to see his organization (which is, at the end of it all, merely a fringe organization) be accepted as truly "Islamic." By treating this mosque as an affront to what happened on 9/11, we are basically verifying several misconceptions bin Laden apparently holds-
    1) one man, with seventeen others in collusion, managed to get to arguably the most powerful superpower on the globe. This shows that we have very thin skins and that it isn't that hard to bring America to her knees.
    2) that America is, fundamentally, not any different from any other nation. When confronted with something demoralizing, we react just as Saudi Arabia or any other nation would: we take away sovereign rights in an effort to "protect" ourselves.
    3) he (bin Laden) really is representative of the entirety of Islam.

    Now I don't know about you, but I don't particularly want any of those things to be true of my nation. Yet that is the image we are projecting, in large part because we are way overreacting with little things like this.

    What say you to this- we should ban all Christians from going to doctors because we had a Christian kill an abortion doctor. No, you say? That would be infringing upon the freedom of religion and association, you say?

    You'd be right. And that is the same thing Americans are pushing for now. They want to take away the rights of Muslims to worship where they please, when they please. Now, I see no problem with ordinary, individual citizens getting together and petitioning this Imam to cease his efforts to build this mosque. I think any citizens that organized such an attempt would be wrong, but they have the right peacably to assemble, etc. What is wrong is pushing the government to infringe upon the rights of people to worship where they want to.

    If this mosque is built, and some radical stuff is going on, and bomb threats are made, then we can get rid of it. But until that happens, we can't keep them from building whatever the heck they want to on property they bought.

    Your link isn't working on my laptop...I'll try it again later. :))

  19. Liberty,
    "They want to take away the rights of Muslims to worship where they please, when they please."

    False. We would not be taking away Muslims right to worship or freedom of religion if the mosque was declared unable to be built due its location being located at a war zone area. The constitution does not say how many churches or how many mosques must be allowed to be built nor does it say where they must be allowed to be built. If Muslims already have a place to worship and express their religious freedom near where they want the Ground Zero Mosque built then their religious freedom would not be infringed upon if the mosque was not built.

    Those who want the mosque built need to prove where they are getting their funding from -- whether the money is legitimate or is getting funding by questionable people or associations overseas with connections to terrorist organizations.

    1) one man, with seventeen others in collusion, managed to get to arguably the most powerful superpower on the globe. This shows that we have very thin skins and that it isn't that hard to bring America to her knees.
    There are many more Muslim extremists in this country now and many of the persons who want this mosque to be built at ground zero are in fact extremists and getting money from terrorist organizations.

    2) that America is, fundamentally, not any different from any other nation. When confronted with something demoralizing, we react just as Saudi Arabia or any other nation would: we take away sovereign rights in an effort to "protect" ourselves.

    Not true. Just because out of respect, sensitivity and common sense we don't want to have one particular mosque built where extremists declared war on our soil doesn't mean that we aren't any different from other nations. Most other nations don't have religious freedom and Muslim nations surely don't respect and in fact brutalize followers of other religions other than Islam.

    3) he (bin Laden) really is representative of the entirety of Islam.
    False. Just because we don't want a mosque built that would cause mental anguish and harm to the 9/11 families doesn't mean that we think that Bin Laden represents all Muslims.
