Saturday, July 3, 2010

Obama/Holder DOJ Sides With Black Panther Criminal Thugs: Say Bye Bye To Whites' Voting Rights

This administration has consistently sided with and given more rights to the suspected terrorists, union thugs, and illegal immigrants crossing our border rather than innocent citizens here in the United States. The Obama administration has been the most divisive and openly contemptuous toward the American people in history. The DOJ's case against the New Black Panthers was a slam dunk and the DOJ had already been handed a default judgement but in what seems to be a both racially and politically motivated move, the new Holder-led DOJ dismissed the charges against the New Black Panthers. The New Black Panthers had violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 but was being ignored because it was a case against blacks so Holder & Co. believes that blacks and any Leftist has the right to do whatever they want against whitey and/or any conservative. Had the roles been reversed you can be damn skippy guaranteed that there would have been a huge firestorm from the liberal media. The fact that the charges were dropped doesn't even make sense since the government had already won their case against the New Black Panthers.

There just happened to be an unlikely eye witness to the whole incident. The famous civil rights attorney Bartle Bull was there at that Philadelphia polling place when he witnessed members of the New Black Panthers brandishing a billy club, blocking the entrance to a polling place, and issuing verbal threats, specifically to white voters seeking entrance to the polling place in the national election in 2008. Bartle Bull is a liberal and lifelong Democrat and is knowledgable about voter rights. He was a campaign manager for both Robert Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. In the 1960s Bartle Bull worked as a civil rights attorney on the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law seeking to enforce the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in Mississippi, ensuring blacks' right to vote and protecting blacks from voter intimidation. J. Christian Adamson who was a DOJ attorney working on the case has just recently resigned over the corrupt nature of the dismissal of the charges and statements falsely characterizing this case. He has come forward to tell the truth and explains the details here.

Here is Bartle Bull being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on America Live


  1. The DOJ needs to be investigated for this miscarriage of justice. It is appalling that they just let these thugs walk.

  2. Can lawyers be sued for legal malpractice? The justice department is completely shirking their duties.

  3. Great post, Teresa.

    It just so happened that a videographer and a civil rights lawyer of impeccable reputation were present at this particular polling place. I wonder how many other Black Panthers and other ACORN intimidators were at other polling places where videographers and civil rights attorneys were not present.

    From the remarks of Bartle Bull, obviously no stranger to voter intimidation tactics, it is plain that this type of behavior is part of well organized Obama re-election strategy and is planned to be happening all over the country.

  4. That Mr Bull ROCKED didn't he? When Megyn announced he'd be on, I thought he'd disclaim what the whistle blower said, but he absolutely NAILED the Panthers and the fact that our mainstream media's not picked this up is even scarier than what Obama's thugs have planned for our next elections.

    Have a good Fourth; this one's a melancholy one for me for many reasons.

  5. Chris W,

    Exactly. The DOJ must be held accountable for its actions or rather inaction.

  6. Opie,
    They definitely are shirking their duties. You would think that there would be a way to sue lawyers for legal malpractice.

  7. Quite Rightly,
    I do also wonder how many more intimidators were at other polling places. Bartle Bull seems like a good guy to have in our corner.

  8. Z,
    Yes he did. I am glad that Bartle Bull is willing to stand up and do the right thing.

    Have a good 4th. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. It's wonderful that this man has the courage to stand up for what is right. This administration is a disgrace.
    Happy Independence Day, Teresa!

  10. It's as if I'm seeing liberty and justice disappear before my eyes.

  11. hey Teres HAVE AN AMAZING 4TH OF JULY my friend..hugs!

  12. The implications are frightening. Groups such as La Raza and SCIU have just been given a green light to interfere with the November election.

  13. Well that clinches it, I'm still a racist because I hate the Chicago way and the ones that practice it.

  14. Good post on this criminal behavior and these people should be disbarred and charged. More governance by Affirmative Action.

    Enjoy the fourth today Teresa : )
