Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sheriff Babeu Invites Obama to Come & See Arizona War-Zone For Himself


  1. Great post Teresa. I think we need to send the military down there and drive these gangs back across to Mexico. This is absolutely unacceptable and we must confront it and destroy it. Just as Thomas Jefferson did with the Libyan Pirates that threatened commerce on the high seas. We confronted and destroyed it.

  2. Those cartels are for-real bad guys. We need to secure our borders YESTERDAY!

  3. Sheriff Babeu is dreaming if he thinks Obama is going to step foot in Arizona. It's easier for Obama to continue fighting Gov. Brewer's bill if he never sees first hand what is really going on down there.

  4. TCL has it right, even though it's a "Photo-Op" he can't get envolved or he'd have to act dumber than he already does...

  5. I need to use your video. I'll link to you. Hope you don't mind.

  6. LL,
    You are more than welcome to use this video -- any video or posting for that matter. The more we inform, the better.

  7. Can imagine if he did go? It would be the oil spill all over again:

    He would bend down and touch the rocks, looking profoundly at the trash covered cactus, and then fly off to some golf course.

  8. Obama will never set foot on Arizona soil. He doesn't give a rats-rear-end what is happening to our fellow Americans.

    What does he care? He is up in his nice, safe, cushioned house with people serving him, the man has no idea what happens on our borders.

    We need to secure our borders by any means necessary, by deadly force if at all possible.

  9. Obama don't care.

    Though seeing him physically not care might be worth it for the history books.
