Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Weve Got To Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero"


  1. Indeed Teresa. This cannot be allowed to happened, not there, not ever.

  2. This must be stopped, Teresa. Thanks for posting.

  3. We must continue to protest this mosque from being built no matter what it takes.

  4. That's great Teresa. Thanks. This issue has become a huge one.

  5. If no one is willing to build it, it's going to be a tough project. And given that all those folks actually work for a living, I think we can make a pretty good assumption where their heart lies.

    Otherwise surround it with gay bars, and drown it in pig's blood the entire time it stands.

  6. I doubt it gets built. I have a strange feeling that this is a way or obama/hussein to get re-elected. We will see.

  7. While the world’s 1 billion muslims recognize the proposed mosque for what it is, a monument to the attack on 911, the President and his liberal apologists have decided it is another opportunity to “bow” and show how big we are as a nation so the world will like them.
    The Cordoba name will name will still be prominently inscribed throughout the mosque. Although the centers organizers claim much of the center will be open for community use no one is convinced that the same religion or should I say the same bunch that attacked New York on 911 wants to now hold hands with the West and sing “kum ba yah”.
    I say let them all go screw themselves.

  8. Great video Teresa. There are really some good vidoes explaining the extreme emotions of opponents to the Mosque.
