Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You Just Might Be a Dhimmi If . . .

You just might be a dhimmi if…you believe in “tolerance” and “openness” to Muslims while displaying the opposite to Christians.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you believe that Islam is a religion of peace

You just might be a dhimmi if…you are in favor of a mosque being built just a stone’s throw away from Ground Zero where 3000 innocent people were murdered.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you are in favor of being sensitive to Muslim beliefs while advocating the ultimate act of insensitivity toward the families of the victims of 9/11.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you take this Imam’s word at face value, trusting him more than the common sense suspicions of your fellow concerned Americans.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you see a mosque being located just two blocks from Ground Zero as being good.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you think that Sharia law is compatible with our constitution.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you think that Sharia law wouldn’t be covered under religious freedom.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you think that these insensitive Muslims who are trying to build a mosque very close to Ground Zero are trying to “build bridges” with between Islam and Western culture.

You just might be a dhimmi if…you don’t want a background check on the imam to insure that absolutely no funds are coming from organizations with ties to terrorism.

If your dhimmitude emboldens and leads to Islamic extremists committing another terrorist attack, the dead will be so thankful for all your tolerance and openness toward the religion of peace.

Stop the dhimmis!

We must stop the dhimmitude!


    Some of us still know how to call a "spade" a "spade"... Was that meant to sound racist? Not at all, it's knowing the difference between BULL S**T political correctness and the truth...

  2. Well said, Teresa, political correctness is the enemy of common sense and decent people and will, if we let it, be the death of us all.

  3. This is good. They should send this to the dnc voter rolls...thnx

  4. Either you're a dhimmi...or you're a dhim-wit; one of the two, eh?

  5. BRAVO, THERESA, BRAVO!!!!!! Thank you for printing this. Dhimmitude is REAL. It is how Muslim drive others to convert, through punishment.

  6. I like Ray's suggestion - get it to the DNC voters. They've likely never heard the word 'dhimmi.' Each one stands out, but Shariah and compatability with the Constitution is especially meaningful, because that is exactly what many people think. Great post. Thank you.

  7. Terrific post, Teresa. These idiots who think that building a "victory mosque" near Ground Zero is a good idea need their heads examined. I'm linking to you over at TCL FB.

  8. I don't have to read this post to know that I'm not a dhimmi. First of all, I know enough to know that the early parts of the Koran (and notice that I don't spell Koran the way they would want an
    adherent to spell it) is where all these peaceful Koran quotes are coming from, but they don't represent the entire thing.

    Apparently Mohammed came along and said forget that early peaceful stuff, we're going to go BONKERS on anyone who isn't one of us from now on. Really people, read some historical background and this will truly freak you out.

  9. Oh I hate this. Let me play the constitutional advocate here.

    We can say all we want and do our very best to convince these Muslims to not build(refurbish) this building into a mosque; however the constitution forbids the government from doing anything to prevent this mosque from happening, save by practicality of zoning, For instance the gov. cannot allow a mosque to be built on an active volcano.

    However lest you think I am for this mosque think again. I am not. We should and are throwing a nice little hissy over it.

  10. I concur wholeheartedly! NO TO DHIMMITUDE!

  11. Everyone: Thank you and God Bless!

    I had been pondering over the Ground Zero mosque controversy and how absurd it is to think that it is good to have a mosque so, so close to where 3000 innocents were murdered by Muslim extremists and came up with this list.

    Have a great night :)

  12. Starsplash,
    No one (that I know of) is saying that Muslims don't have a right to freedom of religion or freedom to worship at a mosque but rather this is about sensitivity to the 9/11 victims families. Plus, there are many mosques in NYC and one mosque is even located about 4 or 5 blocks from where they want this mosque built so its not like Muslims have few places to worship in NYC.

    Thank you for your comment.

  13. TCL,
    Thank you for the linkage over at FB.

  14. "If your dhimmitude emboldens and leads to Islamic extremists committing another terrorist attack, the dead will be so thankful for all your tolerance and openness toward the religion of peace."

    Teresa -- That's exactly right. Dhimmitude does embolden Islamic terrorists. Courage and confrontation cause them to back down.

    Great post!

  15. I am in full agreement with you Teresa. It is a serious case of insensitivity. Of course who am I to speak of insensitivity. It has certainly been a major part of my life.

  16. Those damn Dhimmi's! They need to be sent to the crap bin of history. They suck, and they are getting bolder by the day, thanks to the muzzie infiltrating the WH.
