Saturday, October 30, 2010

Clinton Nuke Codes Lost for Months?

A story broke recently claiming that former President Clinton had lost the "biscuit" -the card bearing the nuclear codes- for months. What utter incompetence!! I guess this is yet another consequence surfacing due to Clinton screwing around with Monica Lewinsky.


  1. Teresa,,, I know this sory is 'new' but I remember hearing this before. Granted I cannot point to it now but I do remember this.

    That said I am glad you highlight it as to remind Americans liberals CANNOT BE TRUSTED when it comes to anything , let alone our security.

  2. I remember hearing that they had lost the football at least once, but I had no idea the extent.

  3. Liberals are soft on defense. The world is a dangerous place. Peace is brought through strength.

  4. They were not really lost, just misplaced in a closet, behind a stained blue dress......

  5. oish what a mastermind!!!NOT! (Halloween hugsssss!)

  6. Stupid is as stupid does ... duh, duh, duh!!!

  7. Isn't this an incredible story? And the MSM hasn't touched it. Thanks Teresa, I'm glad to be reminded of it.
