Saturday, October 9, 2010

Security at Alaska State Fair Act Like Nazis: Violate Free Speech; They Brutalize Man For "Impeach Obama" Sign

The video is seen as objectionable by Youtube and was taken down. This is unconscionable!!! What is wrong, is what the security people at the Alaska fair did - violating a man's right to freedom of speech and brutalizing him. We need to stand with this man, stand up for him because you never know whose free speech rights are going to be violated next. Youtube is covering up for the Security at the Fair.  Youtube seems to be collaborating in a coverup to silence and violate this man's freedom of speech. Shame on Youtube!! America is the home of the brave and the land of the free. At least that is what America is supposed to be. But, since Obama was elected our freedoms and liberties have been deteriorating over the past two years.  We must stop these violations of our freedoms and liberties and reverse course. Let us restore honor to America. Let us continue to fight to restore freedom and liberty to all Americans.

Watch Here


  1. I saw this a month ago on YouTube. I think they're getting pressure from the left. Google wants a whole bunch of communication licenses issued from Washington, so they are willing to throw their integrity out the window. If you do a google search for images of certain individuals, you won't find as many. If you check your site miter, you'll notice the google bot is spending an awful lot of time at our blogs.

  2. The vid didn't load for me this morning. Oddly, Googlebot viewed 50 pages of my blog today. But whatever. We need to keep speaking out. Use the first amendment or lose it.

    Keep up the great work, T and Odie.

  3. This is outrageous.

  4. Ya, that fat security guard had Obama on the walkie-talkie. Definitely. I thought I saw Rahm Emanuel in the background, too-- look at 7:45 off to the right (very brief look.) I bet Obama is reading this website looking for subversives.

  5. since Obama was elected our freedoms and liberties have been deteriorating over the past two years.

    No coincidence.

    The left always wants any opposition to shut up!

  6. Odie,

    Google and Youtube are both owned by Libs. They only care about Libs free speech rights. What integrity? I have noticed less images and info coming up in certain searches lately.

  7. Opie,

    "We need to keep speaking out. Use the first amendment or lose it."


  8. Fuzzys Dad,

    Yes, it is outrageous. Thank you for your comment.

  9. Tony,

    Whatever.... A little sarcasm?

    I guess it would be okie dokie with you if this happened under the Bush administration?

  10. Always On Watch,

    Liberals don't have the truth on their side so they feel compelled to shut up the opposition. Freaking liberal fascists!

  11. These things DID happen under the Bush administration too, you just didn't see it. If you think that security knuckleheads at the AK state fair shutting up a loudmouth-- perhaps heavy-handed, perhaps acting unprofessionally, are tools of the Obama administration, then so be it. Have fun living in your conspiracy fantasyland.

  12. The LaRouche people and SEIU reps were passing out the infamous Hitler/Obama posters at many of the California Town Hall meetings. I'm not quite sure whether to trust them.

  13. Tony,

    "These things DID happen under the Bush administration too, you just didn't see it."

    Proof to back up your accusation?

  14. Nickie,

    It certainly is hard to know who you can trust nowadays. But, this man's civil rights were violated and he was unjustly brutalized by security and that is my main concern. This kind of abuse cannot be allowed to go on.

  15. OMGosh Teresa, those porkers sat all over that poor man. The lady in pink was great and some of the young people really cared about this man and tried to help. What a lesson they got. It's an infuriating lesson for all of us.

    So Odie, is the googlebot the same as seeing with a bunch of other stuff after "search?"

    Teresa, thanks for getting this out. What a terrible thing, and the man wasn't into giving up for one minute.

  16. Were these Sheriff's police working under the direction of Bush?

    Or is it only President Obama who somehow controls local law enforcement and the various carnival security forces?

    Another question: If Obama has that much power and fear of LaRouchies with Hitler signs, then why didn't he just have Skeeter (in your video) neutralized in his mountain cabin out of view of the youtube cameras? Or is this genius the one who slipped thru Obama's elaborate web of govt operatives?

    Bush's infringements were organized and systematic.

  17. Well this makes me want to throw up. What is wrong with people? Can't people distinguish between right and wrong any more? What's next "brown shirts?" Thanks for keeping us informed Teresa.

  18. To say You Tube is part of some nefarious cover up is a reach to say the least. If they are covering up for the security at the fair, they're doing a lousy job because I just watched the video on You Tube.

    Notice the upload date of the video.

    Tony: Good job of stating what happened during the Bush administration and being able to back it up with facts. I can't wait to see if any of the conservatives who've commented on this post have the guts to answer your valid questions.

  19. Tony and Malcolm.

    If this guy didn't threaten the President then, yes, his freedom of speech was violated. That is wrong.

    But, was this man treated brutally and beaten up in the same fashion in which the guy in Alaska was?

    I didn't see any such thing happen. The guy was arrested and most likely arrested and let go without being harmed, but the guy at the fair was physically harmed. NOT EQUIVOLENT IN NATURE AT ALL!!!!

    You two act like Obama comes out smelling sweeter than Bush. Obama has his hands dirtied, moreso than Bush, if Bush did at all.

    "Under Obama -- The New York Times reported in 2009 that the NSA is intercepting communications of American citizens including a Congressman, although the Justice Department believed that the NSA had corrected its errors.[33] United States Attorney General Eric Holder resumed the wiretapping according to his understanding of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008 which Congress passed in July 2008 but without explaining what had occurred."

    Plus, now the Obama admin wants to EXPAND it's powers to include the internet.

    Plus, a huge thing called 9/11 happened under Bush and he needed the means to fight terrorists. In most cases a warrant is a necessity for wiretapping. Plus, there was a glitch with the system that caused a domestic snafoo.

    Now Get the HELL over Bush!!! Obama is president now and two things don't make a right!!!!

  20. Teresa: What's up with typing in all caps?! I'm sorry to see those anger management classes aren't working. :-)

    Seriously though, I'm not condoning what the security people did to the man in Alaska. Because the fairgrounds were on private property, the Alaska State Fair said they reserved the right to remove someone from the premises who is creating a disruption or may pose a threat to the safety of others. Having said that, I think the security people went too far.

    I believe the reason Tony brought Bush into the equation is because you implied that incidents like this didn't happen under his administration. In a reply to one of Tony's comments, you changed from your earlier stance of implying to saying nothing like this did happen while Bush was in office. We don't know what happened to the guy with the anti-Bush sign in the video that Tony linked to... maybe he was let go unharmed as you said, but maybe he wasn't. Regardless of that, do you think he had his freedom of speech rights violated?

    You also implied without any evidence that the incident in Alaska is linked to President Obama. Since you didn’t answer Tony when he asked you, I’ll give it a shot. Were the police officers in the video Tony linked to working under the direction of Bush or is it only President Obama who somehow controls local law enforcement and the various carnival security forces?

    For the record, I am not OK with Obama continuing/expanding the surveillance programs that also went on during the Bush administration. As for whether or not it was a technical glitch under Bush which caused domestic calls to be snared, that's debatable so we can let that lay. However, if it was wrong during the Bush administration, it's wrong during Obama's. Also, you are giving a pass to Bush because you believe 9/11 made any lengths he went to in fighting the war on terrorism justifiable. Do you feel that terrorism is still a threat? If so, shouldn't the pass you are giving Bush extend to Obama as well?

    You and other conservatives hate it when people like me and Tony bring up Bush. Personally, I don’t give much thought to Bush these days. However, when you and other conservatives continue to criticize President Obama with the implication that the offense in question didn’t happen under Bush when we know otherwise, you can count on Bush being brought up just to shine a light on your hypocrisy and/or lack of knowledge of the facts.

  21. Squashing dissent happens on both sides. It doesn't make it right, I'm only recognizing the facts.

    Teresa asked why the kid in the video I posted earlier didn't get beat up as did the mountain man in the post. One reason I could figure is that the kid went along peacefully while Skeeter hollered and cried like a baboon.

    The self-righteousness of the Obama Derangement crowd is amusing; as if they are the only ones who get annoyed. As Jon Stewart said, "Your guy lost, it's supposed to taste like a sh*t sandwich."

    I follow this blog purely for entertainment purposes. It makes me laugh on a near-daily basis. Welcome Malcolm, I hope you find it as endearing as I do.

  22. What Ho! Another case from today's headlines! President Bush strip-searched two women?

  23. Tony,

    The older man was peacefully expressing his freedom of speech. There was no reason for him to be quiet or move. The police were in the wrong. If you really believed his rights were violated you wouldn't be making excuses for the police brutality that was committed against him.

    Yes, there has been way more instances and more severity of instances of violation of civil rights occurring under Obama.

    So, Bush went out there and physically arrested that woman? The police brutalized her, not Bush.

    Holder and Obama are two peas in a pod, so yes, he probably does have some knowledge of reverse racism and instances where the DOJ refuse to proseute blacks for crimes against whites - it's the unspoken policy in the DOJ.

    I find it interesting that you don't have the cojones to post your opinions on a blog. I looked and you hide behind a private account.

    I am glad the truth makes you laugh.

    Gee... a kid being kidnapped by our government for her parents political views and an older guy gets brutalized and you think that's funny.

    Gee... Your a real sicko!

  24. "Yes, there has [sic] been way more instances and more severity of instances of violation of civil rights occurring under Obama."

    No references? I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. Are you sure Bush didn't strip search those women in Iowa? I thought presidents controlled all police forces.

    My blog is completely unblocked: Kalamazoo Post. Enter at your own risk.

  25. Tony,

    Thanks for the link to your blog. There was two instances where I clicked on your name to get to your profile and the computer said private for some reason.

    Have a good night :)

  26. Malcolm,

    "What's up with typing in all caps?! I'm sorry to see those anger management classes aren't working. :-)"

    LOL! Not angry, just emphasizing :).

    "Regardless of that, do you think he had his freedom of speech rights violated?"


    As far as wiretapping goes, I believe that both Bush had/Obama presently have the right to wiretap those suspected terrorists overseas and those speaking to others overseas. As far as domestically goes, if they get a warrant beforehand then they're okay.

    It is not hypocrisy when things are much worse under Obama. More liberties and freedoms have been lost under Obama and we have been led to more of a centralized government than any other president in history - taking over banks, car companies, student loans, and Obamacare.

    I didn't agree with the bailouts under Bush either.

    Have a good night :)

  27. Tony: This blog and others like it are a source of entertainment for me too. After reading some of them, I sometimes don't know whether to laugh or cry. I've been coming to this one for about a year now. Sometimes I just read a post, shake my head and move on. There are times though when I can't let the BS slide. It's good to know that you are also around to provide an opposing view here.

    By the way, before Teresa said they were blocked, I was able to access your blogs without any problem so I was puzzled as to why she accused you of hiding behind a private account. I did notice how Teresa parroted her right-wing heroes by using the word "cojones". So much for originality.


    "So, Bush went out there and physically arrested that woman? The police brutalized her, not Bush."

    I believe you just made Tony's point. I doubt he believes that Bush was responsible for the two women being strip searched. Since it would be unfair to blame Bush for what happened to those two women, how can you link President Obama to the actions taken by the security people at the Alaska State Fair?

    "Yes, there has [sic] been way more instances and more severity of instances of violation of civil rights occurring under Obama."

    Tony asked you for references to back up this claim. I don't know if you missed it or are ducking his request. Anyway, can you provide evidence to support your claim?

    Whether things are better or worse under Obama are a matter of opinion. Having said that, I've noticed that you and other conservative bloggers often state that more liberties and freedoms have been lost under Obama. Of course, you guys never go into specifics about what freedoms and liberties have been lost. I want you to tell me exactly what freedoms and liberties we've lost under Obama.

  28. Malcolm,

    I will answer your and Tony's question in a post soon. There's too much to comment on now.

    I don't follow a blog which name focuses on the biggest hoax and lie of all- "diversity". Diversity is the biggest discriminatory propaganda campaign of all. And, minorities who call for "equality" really want and are fighting for much more than "equality". Your lib propaganda is what's destroying the nation from inside out and now the conservatives have political activists to fight against the Left's intended destruction of America and all She stands for. Obama is a Statist and believes that government can and should control your life. The Republic, as it was Founded, is diametrically opposed to the ideologies that helped give rise to the likes of Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao, and Hitler. Obama believes in that same ideology minus the concentration camps. I am not having the government controlling every aspect of my life, such as telling me what I can eat and what I can't, and that I have to buy health insurance or pay a fine. That is against both my freedom and liberty.

  29. Malcolm and Tony,

    Oh Gee.... You caught me you "truth hunter" from the Obama gestapo, you showed the internet that I went to another video site and it said that it was objectionable and taken off the site when it wasn't. Like Youtube never has censored before.... Because it has.

    Gee... So far I proved that no brutality like this took place under Bush for merely holding a sign and expressing free speech, unlike the brutality which was shown by the video during the Obama aministration first two years.


    "Because the fairgrounds were on private property, the Alaska State Fair said they reserved the right to remove someone from the premises who is creating a disruption or may pose a threat to the safety of others."

    Whose private property?

    Plus, I am adding to my post those freedoms and/or liberties that this administration is hell bent on taking away from citizens. The fact that the Obama admin has the intent to take away more freedoms shows a startling pattern for this administration.

  30. Teresa: "The Obama gestapo"... how predictable of you to toss in a Hitler reference. Is that the best you can do?

    According to Dean Phipps (Director of Marketing and Communication for Alaska State Fair Inc.), the property belongs to Alaska State Fair Inc. If you want to verify this, feel free to contact them:

    As I said before, I do not condone what happened to the protestor in Alaska. However, you are trying to tie this incident to President Obama, yet you have provided no evidence of the connection. I realize that you suffer from a classic case of ODS, but try to show an ounce of objectivity.

    So tell me, what exactly do minorities who fight for equality really want? Your accusation smacks of a mindset that would love to return to the "good old days" when minorities knew their place and kept their mouths shut.

    As for your comments about who is destroying this country, thank you... my stomach muscles can always use an extra workout and hearty laughter does the trick.

    It's really a shame you quit visiting Diversity Ink. Reality can be like a slap in the face to people like you when you step out of the conservative blogosphere and actually have to support your arguments with little things like facts and logic. I was more than willing to hear what you had to say (I think the same can be said for the other liberals at Diversity Ink). Sadly, more often than not, you weren't able to bring much to the table in regards to facts, logic, etc.

    With the exception of people like Tony and me, you aren't going to get challenged much over here. Even if you post something so obviously fact-free that the average 8 yr old can debunk it by doing a quick Google search. Unless you plan on restricting your blog to invited readers only who will fall in line with your “conservatives good, liberals bad” mindset, you’re going to have to step up your game. By the way, I can’t wait to see the answers you come up with to the questions Tony and I posed to you.

  31. Malcolm,

    "So tell me, what exactly do minorities who fight for equality really want? Your accusation smacks of a mindset that would love to return to the "good old days" when minorities knew their place and kept their mouths shut."

    Wrong again, as usual. You are either way too sensitive and dramatic or just too stupid get what I meant.

    "Reality can be like a slap in the face to people like you when you step out of the conservative blogosphere and actually have to support your arguments with little things like facts and logic. I was more than willing to hear what you had to say (I think the same can be said for the other liberals at Diversity Ink). Sadly, more often than not, you weren't able to bring much to the table in regards to facts, logic, etc."

    Reality? Yeah right. NOT!!

    Your versions of logic, facts, etc. are as far from reality as you can possibly be. You are so closed minded and don't think outside the liberal box you are like talking to a brick wall. You don't seem to be getting enough oxygen to your brain to be able to comprehend what the true reality, logic, and facts really are.
    You wouldn't know reality if it slapped you right in the face.
    Have fun living your life with your head stuck up your A$$ and with your head in the sand.

    By evidence of your words there is no way you ever actually listened to a thing that I said.


  32. Teresa: That's awesome! Did you actually say "NOT!!" in your response to me?? 1986 called... it wants it's catchphrase back. As puerile as your debating tactics are, they can be entertaining.

    Because you said:

    "And, minorities who call for "equality" really want and are fighting for much more than "equality".

    I asked you to explain what it is we are really fighting for if it's not just equality.

    Instead of actually answering the question, you resort to baseless attacks and name calling.

    Although I am a liberal and proud of it, I don't view conservatism as evil. I can even get with some aspects of it. However, you have told me you think liberalism is wrong. Furthermore, in this very thread you said to me:

    "Your lib propaganda is what's destroying the nation from inside out and now the conservatives have political activists to fight against the Left's intended destruction of America and all She stands for."

    Now tell me, which one of us is close-minded and incapable of thinking outside of their ideological box?

    When I said you often weren’t able to bring facts and logic to the table, I didn’t go into detail for the sake of brevity. You retaliate with an “I’m rubber you’re glue” type of response. Just to show that there is basis to what I said, here are just a few examples:

    1. You posted on your blog a pieced together video of sound bites made by President Obama which “proved” he was a Muslim. Even though the non-partisan site debunked this video, you still wouldn’t let it go. Although you accept the results of the research done by FactCheck when they debunk lies about Sarah Palin, you weren’t willing to do the same thing when they debunked untruths about President Obama. Where is the logic in that?

    2. In the comments section of a guest post written by a reader on my blog, you said although President Obama “claimed to be Post-racial, to bring the country together, he has done the opposite and IMO in fact stoked the flames of racism, has caused more racial divisiveness in this country.” When the guest poster asked you to prove your claim, you provided a link to a story of how race relations have worsened since Obama was elected. Sorry, but racism getting worse since Obama was elected and Obama stoking the flames of racism are two different things. One of the examples cited by the author were the racist comments made by Mel Gibson! How is that related to President Obama?!

    3. In a guest post you did for my blog, you stated that the terms Uncle Tom, Oreo, and Aunt Jemima were used to specifically target black conservatives. When I asked you to back that up, you said you took the terms straight from Wikipedia where it stated that these terms are primarily used to target or demean black conservatives. Using the link you included in your post, I went to Wiki and it didn’t state that at all. Furthermore, when you cut and pasted the terms into one of your comments, nowhere did it say anything about black conservatives. You injected the black conservative angle yourself.

    4. In this very post, you tried to link President Obama to the incident in Alaska without any facts or evidence.

    This is what I mean when I say you have trouble with facts and logic.

    Your accusation that my versions of logic, facts, etc. are as far from reality as you can possibly be sounds like it’s based on our different viewpoints rather than the truth. You can say it all you want, I find it rather amusing actually. However, saying it is one thing, backing it up is another thing entirely.

  33. Teresa: That's awesome! Did you actually say "NOT!!" in your response to me?? 1986 called... it wants it's catchphrase back. As puerile as your debating tactics are, they can be entertaining.

    Because you said:

    "And, minorities who call for "equality" really want and are fighting for much more than "equality".

    I asked you to explain.

    Instead of actually answering the question, you resort to baseless attacks and name calling.

    Although I am a liberal, I don't view conservatism as evil. I can even get with some aspects of it. However, you have told me you think liberalism is wrong. Furthermore, in this very thread you said to me:

    "Your lib propaganda is what's destroying the nation from inside out and now the conservatives have political activists to fight against the Left's intended destruction of America and all She stands for."

    Now, which one of us is close-minded and incapable of thinking outside of their ideological box?

    When I said you often weren’t able to bring facts and logic to the table, I didn’t go into detail for the sake of brevity. You retaliate with an “I’m rubber you’re glue” type of response. This is what I mean when I say you have trouble with facts and logic:

    1. You posted on your blog a pieced together video of sound bites made by President Obama which “proved” he was a Muslim. Even though debunked this video, you still wouldn’t let it go. Although you accept the results of the research done by FactCheck when they debunk lies about Sarah Palin, you weren’t willing to do the same thing when they debunked untruths about President Obama.

    2. In the comments section of a guest post written by a reader on my blog, you said although President Obama “claimed to be Post-racial, to bring the country together, he has done the opposite and IMO in fact stoked the flames of racism, has caused more racial divisiveness in this country.” When the guest poster asked you to prove your claim, you provided a link to a story of how race relations have worsened since Obama was elected. Sorry, but racism getting worse since Obama was elected and Obama stoking the flames of racism are two different things. One of the examples cited by the author were the racist comments made by Mel Gibson! How is that related to President Obama?!

    3. In a guest post you did for my blog, you stated that the terms Uncle Tom, Oreo, and Aunt Jemima were used to specifically target black conservatives. When I asked you to back that up, you said you took the terms straight from Wikipedia where it stated that these terms are primarily used to target or demean black conservatives. Using the link you included in your post, I went to Wiki and it didn’t state that at all. Furthermore, when you cut and pasted the terms into one of your comments, nowhere did it say anything about black conservatives. You injected the "black conservative" angle yourself.

    4. In this very post, you tried to link Obama to the incident in Alaska without any facts or evidence.

    Your accusation that my versions of logic, facts, etc. are as far from reality as you can possibly be sounds like it’s based on our different viewpoints rather than the truth. You can say it all you want, I find it rather amusing actually. However, saying it is one thing, backing it up is another thing entirely.

  34. Teresa: That's awesome! Did you actually say "NOT!!" in your response to me?? 1986 called... it wants it's catchphrase back. As puerile as your debating tactics are, they can be entertaining.

    Because you said:

    "And, minorities who call for "equality" really want and are fighting for much more than "equality".

    I asked you to explain.

    Instead of actually answering the question, you resort to baseless attacks and name calling.

    Although I am a liberal, I don't view conservatism as evil. I can even get with some aspects of it. However, you have told me you think liberalism is wrong. Furthermore, in this very thread you said to me:

    "Your lib propaganda is what's destroying the nation from inside out and now the conservatives have political activists to fight against the Left's intended destruction of America and all She stands for."

    Now, which one of us is close-minded and incapable of thinking outside of their ideological box?

    to be continued...

  35. When I said you often weren’t able to bring facts and logic to the table, I didn’t go into detail for the sake of brevity. You retaliate with an “I’m rubber you’re glue” type of response. This is what I mean when I say you have trouble with facts and logic:

    1. You posted on your blog a pieced together video of sound bites made by President Obama which “proved” he was a Muslim. Even though debunked this video, you still wouldn’t let it go. Although you accept the results of the research done by FactCheck when they debunk lies about Sarah Palin, you weren’t willing to do the same thing when they debunked untruths about President Obama.

    2. In the comments section of a guest post written by a reader on my blog, you said although President Obama “claimed to be Post-racial, to bring the country together, he has done the opposite and IMO in fact stoked the flames of racism, has caused more racial divisiveness in this country.” When the guest poster asked you to prove your claim, you provided a link to a story of how race relations have worsened since Obama was elected. Sorry, but racism getting worse since Obama was elected and Obama stoking the flames of racism are two different things. One of the examples cited by the author were the racist comments made by Mel Gibson! How is that related to President Obama?!

    3. In a guest post you did for my blog, you stated that the terms Uncle Tom, Oreo, and Aunt Jemima were used to specifically target black conservatives. When I asked you to back that up, you said you took the terms straight from Wikipedia where it stated that these terms are primarily used to target or demean black conservatives. Using the link you included in your post, I went to Wiki and it didn’t state that at all. Furthermore, when you cut and pasted the terms into one of your comments, nowhere did it say anything about black conservatives. You injected the "black conservative" angle yourself.

    4. In this very post, you tried to link Obama to the incident in Alaska without any facts or evidence.

    Your accusation that my versions of logic, facts, etc. are as far from reality as you can possibly be sounds like it’s based on our different viewpoints rather than the truth. You can say it all you want, I find it rather amusing actually. However, saying it is one thing, backing it up is another thing entirely.

  36. The officers who participated in this criminal act against the protestors are villans. They should all be beaten to within an inch of their lives. That said, the names of all of the participating officers and security personnel should be made public.

  37. "...the names of all of the participating officers and security personnel should be made public."

    An excellent sentiment, Mr./Ms. Anonymous... coming from someone who lacks even the imagination to make up a name on the internet.

    This site gets funnier every day.

  38. Well Tony, after a brief self-appraisal, I have determined that I probably don't have near enough talent to verbally fence with an opponent of your caliber... so I won't even bother.
